chapter 8 : unexpected revelations

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thursday began smoothly with everything flowing well, the group was in music class as their teacher, mrs mun, stood at the front of the room.

"alright, class, settle down. today, i have an exciting assignment for you all. we're going to explore the art of storytelling through music," mrs mun said, her voice cutting through the chatter.

the class groaned collectively, some students exchanging skeptical glances while others started murmuring amongst themselves.

"i know, i know, but trust me, this will be fun. your task is to write your own song lyrics, focusing on storytelling and creativity. the lyrics should convey a narrative, capturing the essence of a story or emotion," mrs mun continued, her enthusiasm unwavering despite the groans.

"and just to make it more exciting, this assignment is due next week on tuesday. so get those creative juices flowing!" she added, a hint of excitement in her tone.

"now, let's get started with today's lesson," mrs mun said before she began to teach. after a bit of mrs mun talking, the friend group began to talk.

"great, another assignment. what are you guys gonna write about?" beomseok asked, his voice tinged with annoyance.

"i might write about my love life, it's been pretty complicated lately," yujin said casually, prompting aejung and boreum to exchange worried glances.

"complicated? how so?" beomseok inquired, curiosity evident in his tone.

"well, uh, boyoung confessed to me yesterday afternoon, and i haven't given her an answer yet," yujin confessed, causing the rest of the group to widen their eyes in surprise.

before anyone could respond, mrs mun interrupted, bringing the class' attention back to her as she continued with the lesson.

aejung's mind raced, her thoughts swirling like a stormy sea as she pondered the tangled web of emotions surrounding yujin and boyoung. the once comforting familiarity of their friendship now felt strained and distant.

boreum's keen observation didn't go unnoticed by aejung, their silent exchange speaking volumes. with a subtle nod of understanding, aejung made a silent vow to confront the truth that had been buried beneath layers of denial and fear.

as the bell for recess rang, aejung felt a surge of determination coursing through her veins. she knew what needed to be done, regardless of the uncertainty that lay ahead.

"yujin, can we talk for a moment? in private?" aejung's voice trembled slightly with anticipation as she gathered her belongings, her gaze meeting yujin's with unwavering resolve.

"of course, aejung," yujin replied, his expression a mix of curiosity and concern as they made their way outside to the quiet solitude of the fields.

"so, how are you feeling about everything with boyoung?" aejung's voice was soft, laced with genuine concern as they walked through the fields.

"honestly, i'm not sure yet. it's all a bit overwhelming," yujin confessed, his expression troubled as he glanced at aejung.

nodding in understanding, aejung took a moment to gather her thoughts before summoning the courage to speak her truth.

"yujin, there's something i need to tell you," aejung's voice trembled slightly, her heart pounding in her chest as she met yujin's gaze.

curiosity and apprehension flickered in yujin's eyes as he waited for her to continue, the rustling of the wind adding an eerie backdrop to their conversation.

"i... i don't know how to say this, but..." aejung faltered, her words caught in her throat as she struggled to articulate the feelings that had long been buried within her.

"what is it, aejung?" yujin's voice was gentle, coaxing her to reveal her innermost thoughts.

taking a deep breath, aejung steeled herself, her resolve unwavering as she spoke the words she had kept hidden for so long.

"i have feelings for you, yujin," aejung's confession hung in the air, the weight of her words lingering between them like an unspoken promise.

yujin's expression froze in disbelief, his eyes widening in surprise at aejung's confession.

"i know it's probably unexpected, and maybe even weird, but I couldn't keep it to myself any longer," aejung's voice trembled with vulnerability as she laid bare her feelings.

silence enveloped them, the tension between them palpable with each passing moment. aejung braced herself for yujin's response, her heart pounding in her chest as she waited.

"i'll see you around, yujin," aejung finally broke the silence, her voice heavy with resignation as she turned to walk away, her emotions in turmoil.

as aejung made her way back into the school, her mind still reeling from the weight of her confession, she was approached by a male student, a year older than her.

"hey, excuse me. do you know where gunwook is?" the male student inquired, catching aejung off guard.

"um, why would i know?" aejung's brow furrowed in confusion, her heart rate quickening as she sensed something amiss.

"well, apparently gunwook has feelings for you so i thought you might know," the male student shrugged casually, dropping the bombshell with unexpected ease.

aejung's breath caught in her throat, her mind racing as she processed the revelation. she hadn't anticipated this twist in the already tumultuous events unfolding around her.

"oh... uh, i'm not sure about that, and i don't know where he is right now. sorry," aejung responded, her voice tinged with uncertainty as she struggled to process the unexpected revelation.

"no worries, just thought I'd ask. see you around," the male student offered a casual farewell before turning to leave.

aejung remained rooted to the spot, her mind racing with a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. could it be true? the revelation about gunwook's feelings left her feeling disoriented, unsure of what to believe.

taking a deep breath, aejung attempted to steady herself as she tried to make sense of the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside her. shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she began to walk briskly, her mind still reeling from the unexpected turn of events. uncertainty gnawed at her, leaving her feeling adrift in a sea of confusion.

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