chapter 7 : support and solace

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during recess, the schoolyard was quieter than usual, with most students scattered across the grounds. aejung and boreum found solace under the shade of a sprawling tree, its branches providing a shield from the midday sun. aejung's frustration hung heavy in the air as she leaned against the trunk, her brows furrowed and lips pressed into a thin line. boreum, ever the supportive friend, placed a comforting hand on aejung's shoulder, her eyes reflecting empathy for her friend's turmoil.

"i just... i don't know what to do anymore," aejung sighed, her voice laden with uncertainty.

boreum listened attentively, her presence a pillar of strength amidst aejung's inner turmoil. she nodded in understanding, her expression mirroring aejung's mixed emotions.

"it's been tough for you lately," boreum acknowledged softly, her voice a gentle reassurance.

aejung's frustration spilled out as she struggled to articulate her feelings. the weight of yujin's constant companionship with boyoung gnawed at her, casting a shadow over their friendship. despite their previous conversations about the matter, aejung couldn't shake the sense of helplessness that consumed her.

"it's like no matter what i do, yujin's always being pulled away by boyoung," aejung lamented, her voice tinged with exasperation. "even after we talked about it during geography, he still went to training... and now he's probably being dragged around by her again," she added, her frustration evident in her tone.

"i can see how that would be really frustrating for you," boreum nodded sympathetically, her eyes reflecting understanding as aejung wiped away a tear, her emotions bubbling to the surface.

"and it's not just about yujin," aejung began to speak, her voice tinged with vulnerability. "like we talked about during geography, it's about our friendship too. i feel like boyoung's presence is changing things," she added, her words heavy with concern.

"you're not alone in feeling that way, aejung," boreum assured her, intertwining their hands together in a gesture of solidarity. "we're all here for you," she added, giving aejung's hand a gentle squeeze.

aejung met boreum's gaze, gratitude shining in her eyes. "thank you, boreum. i don't know what i'd do without you," she said, her voice filled with genuine appreciation.

"you don't have to do anything alone, aejung. we'll figure this out together," boreum replied, her smile warm and reassuring.

the rest of the day breezed by, but now it was afterschool, and aejung accompanied boreum to her part-time barista job. boreum expertly crafted an espresso for aejung, who sat alone in her seat, quietly sipping her drink while boreum worked behind the counter.

the doorbell rang loudly, signaling the arrival of a customer. aejung glanced over and spotted gunwook entering the cafe.

"hey, aejung! what are you doing here all alone?" gunwook greeted her warmly as he approached.

"oh, hey gunwook! i'm not alone, actually. just keeping boreum company while she works her shift," aejung replied with a smile, gesturing to boreum behind the counter.

"ah, got it. mind if i join you?" gunwook asked politely.

"of course, have a seat," aejung responded, gesturing to the empty chair across from her as gunwook settled into the seat opposite her.

"so, how's your day going?" gunwook inquired, breaking the silence.

aejung shrugged. "not bad, just taking a little break. how about you?"

"same here. just needed a caffeine fix to get through the day," he replied with a smile, prompting a small laugh from aejung.

"hey, do you want to go for a walk? it's such a nice day outside," gunwook suggested.

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