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"Je vous ai dit que c'était ce dont nous avions besoin!" (I told you that this is what we needed!)

Charlotte giggled as she sipped her cocktail. She had suggested the night out when we were on the yacht the other day. Other than Stella and Charlotte, everyone else here flew out to Baku in two days, so we'd been running short on time to plan our night out. So, when Charlotte facetimed me and begged that tonight be the night, I got everyone on board.

"Tu as raison." (You're right.) I smiled, taking a sip of my own drink.

We'd been here for about an hour now, everyone only three shots in this time. I'm pretty sure we all walked in saying we needed to take fewer shots this time – I wasn't the only one with a terrible hangover the next day.

Giada and Arthur weren't able to make it out with us tonight, both of them having prior commitments, but thankfully, Charlotte and Stella had tagged along. I honestly think Charlotte would've combusted if I hadn't let her come out tonight seeing it was her idea. We had also managed to convince Danny, Grace, Max, Kelly, Lewis, and Lando to come out.

I think Lewis complained that he was too old, but I reminded him that he had come with us last time and enjoyed himself. Apparently, that was reason enough.

After us girls had been on the dance floor for close to an hour, Stella stepped closer to me, pulling me close so I could hear her over the music. "Nous allons aux toilettes." (We're going to the toilets.) She was referring to her and Charlotte.

I nodded, kissing her cheek as they scurried off.

"We're going to head back to where the boys are, do you want to come or are you fine waiting here for the girls?" Grace asked, Kelly's arm looped through hers as they gestured to the table the guys were sitting at.

I shook my head, "I'm fine here, I want to dance a little more." Grace accepted my answer, knowing me well enough to know I was telling the truth. I loved being on the dance floor at a club, the feeling of letting loose really doing something for me.

The two girls blew kisses to me before disappearing in the crowd.

I had just enough alcohol in me to make me not care what others thought of my dancing, not that anyone was paying attention anyway. Everyone around me was dancing with someone, so I was on my own.

Typically, I'd be with Charles or Lando out here, dancing the night away. But seeing as Charles was still in Italy and Lando and I hadn't returned to that level of friendship yet, I was stuck dancing by myself until Charlotte and Stella returned – not that I'm complaining. Dancing alone could be fun.

A few minutes later, I felt someone's hands on my waist, definitely male. I didn't really have it in me to care at this point, they weren't doing anything other than dancing with me, using their grip on my waist to guide me with them.

I missed the feeling of someone else's hands on me and, for some reason, this feeling felt familiar. Almost like the other night, I had shared a similar experience with someone.

I leaned back into whoever was holding me, enjoying the feeling of their taut abdomen against my back. Whoever this was must be extremely fit.

My eyes drifted down to the hands on my waist, attempting to catch a glimpse of whoever it was, whether I knew them or not. But I'm pretty sure my heart fully stopped at the sight of an all too familiar tattoo on the person's hand.

I nearly jumped away from him, spinning to face him all while putting some space between us, my heart rate skyrocketing. "What the fuck are you doing here?" At this point, I didn't care that he barely understood English, he definitely understood what I had asked him.

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