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Kelly Piquet, Max's girlfriend, and Grace were standing at the door to my new apartment with the biggest smiles on their faces, looking like they were ready for a night out. I'd been living here for about two weeks now. While I was living with my parents again, an apartment opened up in Charles' building to which I quickly reacted to and snagged it. I love my parents, but I'd rather live on my own at the ripe age of 24.

"Put your cutest party dress on, we're meeting the boys at a club tonight!" Grace smiled brightly as her and Kelly walked through the door.

I sighed, reluctantly agreeing.

They'd been trying to get me to go out with them since about a week after the breakup, but I had refused. My heart hurt too much to do anything that could even remotely be associated with happiness.

Kelly and Grace sat on my bed as I searched through my closet for something to where. To them, I was just being picky with my outfit. In reality, I was trying to find a dress that didn't remind me of him.

It took a while, but I found a dress. I'd almost looked past it. It was a simple black dress, one Grace had purchased for me right before I moved into my apartment. "For a special occasion." She said when she gifted it to me.

After I found what I was going to wear, it didn't take long for me to finish getting ready. I had already curled my red hair this morning out of pure boredom, so that worked in my favor.

The girls nearly pulled me out of my apartment and to the black SUV the boys had sent them in tonight. It was obvious that none of us wanted to be a DD tonight, so hired cars were our route for the night.

Thankfully, it didn't take long to get to the club, the three of us entering rather quickly. However, my something didn't feel right in my chest, this didn't feel right. Why should I be having fun right now?

Grace slid her hand into mine as we walked through the club toward the VIP section. "You needed a pick me up, you've sulked for a few weeks now. So, we all decided it's time for you to be happy again! I don't like pity party Addie."

"Hey, Charles threw a pity party after his breakup." I pouted, not liking being called out for my mood the past few weeks.

Kelly chuckled, nodding. "For a month, yes. And now he's back to partying with us, let's go!"

Unfortunately, they were right.

We joined the boys less than a minute later, each of them handing one of us a drink. I guess Grace or Kelly had told them when we were close and they'd made sure to have something ready for us to get the night started. Charles had handed me my favorite cocktail and I just stared at it for a moment.

"I think I want to start with a shot of something." I blurted randomly.

Charles reached onto the table behind him, turning back with a full shot glass in his hand. "I knew you'd say that."

I rolled my eyes at him, taking the small glass into my free hand and downing it. The alcohol burned as it went down my throat. I barely winced, probably because the pain felt good. I had barely felt anything the past few weeks.

I then downed the cocktail, because why not? My gaze flickered back to Charles', who was looking at me with wide eyes, probably because I've never drank anything that quickly. Who cares?

He shook his head, probably to rid himself of shock. "Dance?" I nodded, taking his outstretched hand in mine.

Charles led us out on to the packed dance floor, his hand switching from holding onto mine to lazily resting on my hip. Our bodies were nearly pressed against each other due to how many people were dancing, but I didn't care. The alcohol coursing through my veins was still fresh and my feelings were still numb.

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