Chapter 15

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I got a copy of the case files for your case. I hate to have to start this now while your grieving but we are lucky they dropped those charges and I need to prepare you for what's to come.

It's fine go ahead....

So Dr. Robinson I'm guessing is who started this all.

Why you say that?

She's a whiteness for trial. Your name and her name is the only ones on the paper work for all the medical bills and receipts. She also wrote a statement that I haven't received yet.

What? Ima kill this bitch!

That isn't a good look Bri you have to stay focus.

I am focused, focused on killing that bitch!

You can''s very suspicious when you kill somebody during a trial of a whiteness dies. I don't wanna see you back in jail. Now look at all these. (He laid the documents on the table it was like a stack of them) Do any of these look familiar?


Nun of them?

No that's not my hand writing

Are you sure?

Yeah I think I would know what my own hand writing looks like.

Okay, this good because we can flip this on her and sue her. Your being charged with medical and insurance fraud so that means she wasn't doing these procedures...

Wait she's never delivered a baby before only Dr. Faye has so why are there charges for C-sections ? And a hip replacement? We don't do no type of surgery at this clinic I wouldn't of never signed off on something like this.

Okay got cha.

I also have camera and all these files would have been in my office she must of snuck them in to be filed. If I check the security cameras in my office j have hidden them I should have proof.

I can get a supine to get you in the clinic and a copy of the tapes how fast can you get it?

Very! Same day type Shìt.

Okay I'll call you as soon as I have it. Don't worry we'll save you. Ima chew her up so bad when I cross examine her.

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