Chapter 53

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James drove the long way home. It wasn't both but silence the whole car ride. At one point I was scared he was gonna do something else. He pulled up to the house and we got out. I was so happy and relieved to be home.

Come here! He said pulling me back to him. He grabbed me by my face and began to examine it. He got angrier and angrier.

I'm fine!

No the fuck you not fine! He yelled. "What else this nigga do, did he touch you?"

No....nooo he just hit me a few times baby I'm fine!

Is you sure he ain't touch you?

Yes baby I'm sure, look I'm okay, okay! It's just a few little bruises!

I should've kilt that nigga grandma niggas love they grandmas! He said thinking out loud.

No you shouldn't of you did good! His daughter, mother, and grandmother were off limits. I'm so proud of you for not taking their lives they didn't do it he did. And if you would've kilt that lil girl I wouldn't of talked to you.

I understand, I try to keep women and kids off limits but I can't play about you. That nigga lost his mind doing some dumb shit like this and he put his hands on you. Who else was involved?

It was just him and this other dude but I took care of him that's why Kyra was able to get out the car.

Next time worry about yourself and you get out first! Even though it's not gonna be a next time.

I can't just not worry about the person who's with me if it ever was something to happen like that again bae.

Look I get you got love for your people but at the end of the day baby you all I got I rather see you walk through them doors then anyone else. I'll burn this whole city down and do life behind you.

I get it!

I mean it!
I pulled him into a hug and he kissed me. I loved this soft side of him. He hugged me back tight and I could feel all the frustration leave his body and fill with relief. "And from now on your getting security"

I don't need security bae!

You do and you will! I can't think straight if you out here by yourself. I know you can handle yourself but for my peace of mind I'm getting you security.

Your not gonna ever let me be by myself again are you?

Nope! He laughed then sitting down at the island and taking a shot. I rolled my eyes and he smiled. I walked away and went upstairs. Ain't no sense in arguing with that man he can go all day and night and gonna win. I wasn't scared when I got kidnapped, I had tooooo much faith in him that he would find me and less then 24 hours he did. Long as I got him and my faith in god I'm good.

I got in the shower and washed up. I was dirty as hell and smelt. I scrubbed my body so hard skin should of peeled off. I washed my hair a few times as well.

I got out and lotion down with some lotion and oil. I put on a pair of shorts and a sports bra as he was coming upstairs. He grabbed some Vaseline and put it on my face for the scratches.

Tomorrow ima grab you some ice packs and Neosporin.

Thank you.....are you coming to bed?

In a minute, just lay down and get comfortable I'll be back.

I love you!

He leaned in and kissed me. "I love you"

He got up to leave and I could feel the anger still on him. "Baby?" ( he turned around and looked at me.) "Thank you!" He smiled nodded his head and left out.

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