chapter 15 | see you later

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CONSCIOUSNESS BEGAN TO dawn upon Reiner, like a distant light piercing through the darkness of his mind. His eyelids fluttered open, revealing a world blurred and hazy as if seen through a veil. As awareness flooded back, he felt a blunt ache throbbing at the back of his skull, a reminder of the ordeal he had endured.

His Titan starts pulling him in again, attempting to heal his wounds.

As Reiner gradually stirred from the depths of unconsciousness, a peculiar sensation tingled in his hand, gradually pulling him back to Earth.

As awareness slowly flooded back, he realized that he was clutching something tightly in his grasp. With a sense of curiosity mingled with confusion, Reiner tentatively opened his eyes and lifted the Armored Titan up, his gaze falling upon the object cradled within his palm, a silent mystery awaiting in the light of awakening.

Horror washed over him as he beheld the lifeless form of Juliet's body cradled in his palm, her small figure curled unnaturally and covered in crimson. No– What the hell happened to you? A shiver of revulsion coursed through him as he recoiled from the sight, his stomach churning with revulsion.

As Reiner rose from his previous position. He grabs the ends of her cape, her body falls in a limb as he brings her into the air. With careful movement, he drops her body above his mouth, catching her mid-flight, and carefully maneuvering her into his waiting mouth.

His jaw locks shut as soon as he feels her land on his tongue. You'll probably think this is gross but I'm not leaving you behind.

Reiner takes in his surroundings, examining the Colossal Titan that was making its way to the wall. He knew he had to help. With adrenaline coursing through his veins and determination etched on his face, the Armored charged forward. With each thunderous stride, he propelled himself closer and closer to Bertholdt. A wall seems to be in the way of the quickest route, so Reiner readies his shoulder for the impact before crashing into it harshly, bringing the wall down.

"That bastard," Jean says angrily watching the Armored come toward the wall, "What'll it take to put him down for good? Why won't he just stay dead? What the hell do we do against something like that?"

As the gravity of their situation sank in, a palpable sense of worry washed over the remaining Scouts, casting a shadow of uncertainty over their demeanors. Frowns creased their brows as they grappled with the weight of their dilemma.

"Hey, Armin," Jean turns over to the blonde who seems to have his eyes locked on the Colossal walking past them, "I think getting Eren out of here safely might be the best we can hope for."

With furrowed brows and keen eyes, Armin carefully scrutinized the Titan strutting before him, realizing a difference in its figure, "He's thinner. The Colossal Titan. He's gotten a little thinner!"

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