Ice cold

495 25 8

I decided that this chapter is the most mid one so far (they're all mid anyways)

"God, this place is a dump," Y/N complained, staring up at the crumbling ceiling. The walls around him and Kafka were worn down from the endless years of blizzards, as snow was falling through massive cracks.

"Hmm, I suppose that's true," Kafka agreed, inspecting her gun as she faced away from Y/N. She looked down the barrel, and was happy to see it didn't need cleaning. "We're laying low."

"We could've stayed inside Belobog," Y/N suggested, but Kafka quickly shut him down.

"We're wanted criminals. Besides, we already decided on here with Bladie and Silver Wolf."

"When will they be back?" Y/N asked, laying on the dirt. His back was freezing, but he couldn't find the energy to move. He and Kafka were staying in the abandoned building outside of Belobogs walls, and it had been a few hours since the 'assassination attempt'.

"Belobog is in high alert dear," Kafka answered, seemingly unbothered by the fact they weren't here yet. "They don't want to get tracked and accidentally lead them here, do they?"

Y/N finally sat up, stretching as he did so. Frost gently fell off his clothes as he arched backwards, before sitting up straight. "I just hope they're alright," Y/N sighed.

"They will be," Kafka replied, taking out her phone. "I'll message Elio to say that this part of the script is complete. We'll see what the next course of action is, we may possibly be leaving this planet faster than expected."

Y/N wasn't listening, just looking out of the window frames to see if he could spot any sign of Blade or Silver Wolf.

A blizzard had started a few minutes ago, obscuring the visibility drastically. Snow flew past Y/N's face, as he kept glaring into the endless sea of white.

"Message them," Y/N told Kafka, who seemed surprised by the demand.

"Y/N, so you really think something could happen to them while they've got Blade and Silver Wolf?" Kafka questioned, shaking her head, although she did quickly send a quick text to Silver Wolf.

"This blizzard is pretty bad," Y/N said, to which Kafka nodded.

"Yes, and there were fragmentum monsters last time we came through here," Kafka added, although she still didn't seem concerned.

Y/N groaned and sat with his back to the wall. He picked up a random rock from the ground, throwing it against the wall a few times, before he eventually stopped. The banging was a bit annoying.

The blizzard outside still raged on. Fragmentum monsters walked past, some looking like some of those Silvermane guards. Y/N guessed that the previous Stellaron must have created a fragmentum area somewhere out here, and the corpses of the fallen soldiers who fought against them may have gotten reanimated.

Y/N wondered how Belobog survived this long if the weather was always this unbearable.

Snow was quickly piling up at the window frame. In fact, the frame was nearly completely filled with snow. Y/N threw the rock at it in annoyance, the wall of white breaking down into tiny pieces in an instant.

Yeah Y/N was basically just bored of waiting.

Eventually, Kafkas phone beeped. She was sitting on the only wooden stool that was in the building, leaning over the wood table. She took out her phone, and read the message.

"Looks like Bladie is the one replying," she told Y/N.

Y/N stood up, brushing the frost off him again. "What's the deal with that?" he asked, strolling over to Kafka with his hands in his pockets.

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