Boulder Town

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also I swear bro I will doxx u if u keep commenting on different accounts, you know who you are my good fellow
Also ignore that I had to change the chapter name I was tired.

Y/N waited impatiently as the train slowly trundled down the track, towards a place called Boulder Town in the underground. They truly had very creative names. He was tired, and his legs were aching because whoever designed this train didn't add seats, for some reason.

"Are we nearly there yet?" Sliver Wolf asked, staring at her phone, even though it had no signal this deep underground.

"For the last time, Silver Wolf, I don't know," Blade groaned, holding his head.

"Come on, this needs to hurry up!" Y/N complained, stamping his feet on the floor like some child having a tantrum, while Silver Wolf rolled her eyes. "I bet Boulder Town won't even be good!"

"Relax, from what Elio has told us, it's in a place affected by the Fragmentum," Kafka explained, looking at the script from Elio. "Some place called Rivet Town, filled with robots and the antimatter legion, sounds fun."

"I don't care," Silver Wolf muttered. She then turned to Blade, and asked, "By the way, you did promise me a gaming session when your hand is better, is it good yet?" (Btw it is canon I checked voicelines for this 💀)

Blade looked at Kafka, who shot him a teasing smile. "Best of luck with them, Bladie."

"Shut the fu-"

[Boulder Town]

"Huh, not much here, is there?" Kafka said, sounding a bit disappointed.

"What did you expect?" Blade asked her, looking around at the small food stalls and wooden houses.

"On the surface, there were massive buildings and shops..." Kafka complained. "I need more clothes, Bladie, you know that."

"No you don't," Silver Wolf replied, sounding just as annoyed as Kafka.

"Keep on target," Blade said, ignoring them. "We need to know where Rivet Town is located."

"Come on guys, we haven't even looked around yet!" Y/N said, already starting to run off. "We might find something good!"

"Listen to me, Bladie, follow him," Kafka ordered, smiling deviously at Blade, who had no choice but to follow her orders. "Silver Wolf and I need some girl time." Kafka put an arm over Silver Wolfs shoulder, but Silver Wolf immediately brushed it off, pulling a sour expression.

Blade nodded, and immediately started pursuing Y/N, who was busy running through the town, like a child looking through a sweets shop.

He ignored everyone around him as he ran, until he accidentally ran into someone, who fell to the ground with a yelp. He fell face first on the ground, his blue hair in a mess. He rolled over to look at Y/N, no anger in his eyes, just annoyance.

"Ah! Sorry about that!" Y/N apologised, holding out his hand for the guy to grab. He sighed and took it, standing up with a bit of a wobble.

"No worries... My name is Sampo, Sampo Koski." Sampo smiled, holding his arm out for a handshake.

Y/N smiled and shook his hand, ignoring Sampo's slight wince as he firmly grasped it and shook it quickly. "I'm Y/N! Do you live here? I'm an outworlder, I don't know much about Belobog."

Sampo laughed, retracting his hand and holding it in his other one. "Yes, I am a merchant here in Boulder Town. Although, for the right price, I also deal in... other business! Have you got anyone you've got beef with, cuz I'm your guy for that."

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