Alternate ending

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Choose to read this part if you're not a fan of abrupt and semi-sad endings:)
In this alternative ending part Jisung has survived the attack and wakes up after a few days.

The next time Jisung woke up he was alone in his room. His head was a mess, thinking back to the brutal beating he had gotten and the mind numbing fear he had felt when he saw his life flashing before his eyes while the rogue wolf had pinned him down on the floor, it wasn't that surprising.
If it wasn't for the calming sight of his bedroom ceiling he probably would've defiled his pants whilst shaking in agony. But he was in his room. He had seen his pack members and he wasn't bleeding out on the floor.
What he was though, was in pain. His shoulder and leg hurted the most and his muscles felt so stiff he was surprised he managed to even lift a finger. His whole room smelled like a mixture of medicine and something ridiculously delicious. He couldn't pinpoint it, but it made him sigh in relief and accept his aching body.
"Oh, good. You're awake," said Jeongin, who came into his room with a bowl of water and a cloth he placed down beside his bed.
"Do you have any idea how much ruckus you caused with your blabbering mouth?"
Jisung blinked at him and the beta leader placed a hand on his forehead to see if he got a fever before wringing out the wet cloth to clean Jisung up a little.
"Chan is berating them outside for the tenth time already. You have a lot of explaining to do, Ji."
Jisung wasn't able to bring in a word while Jeongin chatted around and took care of him. He wanted to ask what he had meant, but his head was still a bit heavy from filtering all the words.
Jeongin took a mug of cooled down tea from next to his bed and helped Jisung sit up a little so he could drink some.
Jisung scrunched his face at the bitter taste. Ugh, where was the lovely scent instead of this murky sludge? He did drink everything under the stern eyes of the beta leader and handed him the empty mug before trying to wipe his tongue with the back of his hand.
"Still a small child," Jeongin chuckled whilst standing up and walking over to the door.
"Is Channie almost done grilling them?" he asked Minho who was peeking around the corner to give Jisung a warm smile.
"Yeah, they'll be here in a moment. That is, if our omega baby stays awake this time."
Jisung scoffed at him and pulled up his blanket a bit more, ignoring his protesting limbs. Minho picked up the bowl from Jeongin and together they left.
After a moment he heard his door open again and Chan stepped inside.
"If it isn't our stubborn boy," he crossed his arms and acted all angry at Jisung who lowered his gaze with a small smirk on his face.
"I'm sorry," he mumbled, melting the alpha leader's facade.
"Gosh what am I relieved you're alive." Chan came over and gently patted him on his head. "You fought bravely, Ji."
Jisungs throat closed up upon hearing the affirming words of his pack leader. He had. And although he hadn't won, he tried, not giving up and holding out till the end.
"Now before you break down. I think you need to talk to someone. Or should I say, someones."
Chan stepped away revealing two nervous looking faces behind him. As soon as Chan nodded they flung themselves toward Jisung's bed, Felix grabbing his hand again and Heikin placing her hand on his leg.
Chan chuckled seeing the two concerned wolves and cleared his throat to gain their attention. "Now before I leave," he said with a stern voice, his alpha leader facade up again. "One, no lying or masking. Be honest with each other and put trust in each other. Two—," he looked at Heikin specifically. "Don't try putting yourself down. You're all pack. And three—," he walked over to the door before turning around. "No mating or marking while Ji is still wounded. You hear me?! One whiff of lusting pheromones and I'll kick you both out. You understand?"
Jisung felt his cheeks warm up with the embarrassing statement and looked all confused to Felix and Heikin who averted their gazes and nodded at Chan.
"Yes, dad," Felix even dared to mock him.
Chan chuckled before leaving them alone, making Jisung look over the two who were visibly uncomfortable.
"Uhm... Ji..." Felix started off, not making eye contact at all. "Do you perhaps know what you said before you blacked out a few days ago?"
A few days? He had been out for a few Days! It felt like maybe a night, not more than that. Jisung was trailing off in his mind when he brought back his attention to the young Alpha.
"You mean—," he started off, becoming aware of the amazing scents filling the room again, clearly coming off the two in front of him. Jisung's eyes widened and he sniffed the air again.
"Are we bonding?!" he yelped out in disbelief.
Heikin and Felix looked at each other, a silent conversation happening between them.
"You pretty much started it after your confession," Heikin shrugged, not phased at all.
"And you're okay with it?!" Jisung was wrecking his brain to remember when he had said anything to her. Was it when she came to his rescue? Or after? And when he looked at Felix he got even more confused. He had confessed... to Felix?
"You are such an oblivious idiot," Heikin grumbled, burying her face in his blanket.
Felix snickered and patted her back. "She's not wrong. Ji, did you ever see her look at you?"
Jisung's confused face must've said it all. "See what?" he muttered, gaining a loud groan from the female.
"You tell him, Lix. I am not dealing with this right now."
Felix bit his lower lip to hide his laughter and Heikin gave him one glance to make him back up.
"You know how I confessed my feelings to her?" he asked.
Jisung nodded. "Pretty dramatically."
Felix squeezed his hand and mumbled something about the ability to joke at a time like this.
"Heikin followed me to my room and confessed her own secret to me."
Jisung watched the female beta exhale and turn her head toward him.
"I told him I liked you," she said with clenched teeth. "Can you imagine? You told me you wanted a family and I had to act like I couldn't give you one. I had to act 'uninterested' to respect your wish. And then you discovered my true identity and this fellow—," she prodded at Felix. " —decided to confuse the fuck out of everyone telling he liked me from day one. I could see you give up at that very moment and then I had to deal with that as well." She raised her head and placed her hand on top of Felix who was still holding Jisung's. "Felix respected my wishes to try and pursue you and I gave him the chance to try to bond with me as well. But then you got distant and tried to avoid us. So we figured out we had to talk to you eventually. When we finally figured out how to propose things to you, you were gone."
"And almost died under our hands," Felix adds. "Ji, I have never been so scared in my life. Heikin was so cool. She protected both of us like a true alpha."
The heart eyes he made mentioning the girl made Jisung smile a little.
"But I saw how you two behaved together," he said. "I thought you two were courting to bond?"
Both looked at each other before looking over at Jisung.
"We weren't?" Felix said, confused at the omega's words. "I wanted to, but again, Heikin only wanted to if she could include you and I was okay with waiting."
"We were comforting and confiding in each other a lot at the time," Heikin adds. "I was still grieving over Nelaya and opposed to the idea of joining a pack and Felix was still struggling with guilt and nightmares."
Felix nodded before looking up to Jisung. "Your scent was the only thing calming me down. That was when it dawned on me I had been trying to bond with you for a long time, Ji. I'm sorry I didn't pick up on it. The others had, even before the girls got here. Our pack leaders had scolded me a lot for things I wasn't even aware of doing to you."
Jisung thought back to all the moments he had distanced himself from Felix when they both presented their subgenders. How Chan had scolded them for unconsciously scenting each other or how Felix had tried multiple times to circle around him whenever they went out hunting, thus the decision of Chan to forbid Jisung from tagging along with their hunts.
It all made sense now.
Minho had known Jisung didn't want to bond with Felix for whatever reason. Jeongin was smart enough to pick up on Jisung's wish for a family early on before Jisung told him and thus ruled out Felix as an option and Chan had seen how Felix was unconsciously forcing himself upon their newly presented omega. Taking on his leader role to force distance between the two before they went too far with their unknown bonding.
"You knew," Jisung said to Heikin who nodded.
"Why do you think we hung out so much with you? I was freaking jealous seeing him drooling over you without even noticing himself. Nelaya was a good distraction for him, until I noticed she became serious about Felix, dragging me along with her."
"And I on the other hand—," Felix took over. "Was totally oblivious of all of it. I just wanted to claim an alpha girl, which was a mission set up to fail. Until she revealed her true gender and I got too emotional while I apparently also was trying to bond with you all this time."
And that's what circled them back to that fateful evening. Still, Jisung was confused why they were bonding right now with their scents mixing and asking to become mates.
"Ji, we know how much you want a pup," Heikin continued, making eye contact with him. "If you are okay with the somewhat unconventional construction, I would love to be able to give you one. Not right now though. But in the near future."
It was like a dam broke inside of his mind. A flood of emotions he had held to himself rushed over him with a speed like it desperately tried to catch up with the current situation. Jisung felt his eyes tear up with the sentence he had always longed to hear being said to him.
"Are you for real?" he asked between his tears dripping down his face and onto their hands.
Heikin nodded.
"But what about Lix? His genes will overpower mine. It won't be mine," he sniffled, looking at the alpha who seemed to straighten his back and give him a proud smile.
"I'll wait," he said, not an inkling of doubt in his voice.
Jisung looked at him as if he was mad, but Heikin chuckled and nudged against Felix's shoulder.
"What he means is that he will abstain until you get me pregnant. So prepare yourself, boy, because you'll be his rut partner for as long as I don't feel like having a pup."
Jisung stared at them in disbelief before breaking down and hiding his face in his hands whilst sobbing out loud. Both Felix and Heikin crawled in his bed to get him in a hug and although his body was hurting like hell, he never had felt happier before.

The End.


Wah.... A sad ending is impactful, but a happy end is just... So cozy!

I wholeheartedly enjoyed writing this fanfic. I dunno why, but the whole ABO world is fun to write with as there's so much new biological thinking involved.
AAAND every writer writes their ABO world a tiny bit different! Which is a chef's kiss on it's own as it keeps feeding the mind with more ideas.

Well... that's it for The wolves near the border!

But if you enjoyed it and can't get enough... There's more stories to read!
So check out my profile for more or check out the summary page:)

Again: Thanks for reading, voting and commenting. I appreciate all your efforts which keeps me motivated.

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