Introduction to the universe

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Before we dive in this new ABO/wolves fanfic, there's some information for those who aren't that familiar with the ABO universe.
(And for those who are, there are some differences from the classical ones. I suggest to read at least "mates" and "breedingways." to better understand this story)

There are no smut written scenes in this story, but there will be mentionings of mating and other slightly adult themes. (All mild in my opinion, for those under the age of 18.) 

ABO (The subgenders)
Alpha, Beta and Omega subgenders. Whereas Alpha's are the more dominant, stronger types. Beta's are the mediators, both strong and caring. And the omega's, the caretakers and nurturing types.
All with their own characteristics and all needed to form mating bonds.


Those who possess the traits are known as wolves. People who are able to shift ito their wolf form and have a subgender. They look like slightly bigger wolves excisting in nature and possess the same characteristics. 
When shifted, wolves can communicate in two ways with each other. The first one is through their clan bond and the second one through their mates bonds. Wolves outside of that can't communicate and have to rely on their human form to speak to each other.


The ideal situation in this ABO world is to have all three subgenders in a relationship as they balance each other out perfectly. Although it is not uncommon for mates to stay with two for the rest of their lives. It also depends if the mates have the desire to have children. If so, it's best for the mates to have all three subgenders present to raise a healthy pup.
As for the dynamics, the preferred way for all three subgenders is mostly consisting of two females and one male as then the male has the best success rate of impregnating with his own genes. Dynamics with two males are more common with unbalanced subgenders when wanting pups.


A clan is a group consisting of different packs. Sometimes under the same family name or conjugated ones. Some clans can consist of different families which join up for the sake of reproduction.


Packs consist of wolf pairs with mixed clan ancestors. Mostly formed with the new formed mates or friends together who fulfill their own needs within a clan.
Sometimes a clan and pack can consist of the same people when a pack decides to drift off their former clans to form their own.


Mating can happen between every kind of subgender or biological gender.
At specific times throughout the year the subgenders will enter their own moments where they are most fertile. For alpha's it's a rut, omega's have their heats and beta's have a blood cycle if they're female, much like a period in which the body prepares for the upcoming fertile time, thus being the only ones who have a 'less fertile' moment in contrast to the other two.

Bonding and courting

When someone is interested in another, they can ask to court the other, much like asking permission to date someone to see if they're compatible with each other.
Bonding is the following act where pheromones and scents align and sign to the partners they are ready to claim.


With claiming, a subgender claims their partner(s) with a claiming mark. Mostly a bite mark given when mating to show off to others the person belongs to them.
This bite mark is often permanent.


Biological genders are involved as well. So to conceive a child, there's a man and a female needed.
Omega males can only impregnate beta females. Their genes aren't strong enough for an alpha female and too weak to be fertile for an omega female. (Although not impossible)
Beta males can impregnate omega females and occasionally an alpha female if their genes are strong enough. As their beta genes are often neutral, they can also impregnate female beta's if their pheromones are stronger.( which in most cases is what happens.)
Alpha males can impregnate omega and beta females. Occasionally an alpha female, but only if their pheromones are stronger and if they're capable of overpowering an alpha female. (which in most cases is difficult.)

Because of the biological aspects of the wolves there's different kinds of packs and clan establishments. The traditional ones are prefered, but there are also the exceptions. 

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