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I sat by the dinner table, icing my lip as Marvin came towards me with concern flooding his face.

"What the fuck happened to you?"he examined me "Was it Saint?"

"It's okay Marvin."I said plainly.

"Nah bullshit he put his hands on you??"Marvin asked getting heated "I'm gonna fucking kill him."

I stood up "calm the fuck down, stop raising your voice before Saint hears you I told you that its okay...I'm playing the game."

"Abuse is not apart of this, you can still quit."Marvin said "don't let this get to that level."

"Marvin I promise I'm okay."

"A girl dropped this off for you today by the gate, she said her name was Danisha and she said to open it as soon as possible."Marvin placed a folded piece of paper in my hands.

"Brother and sister bonding, it's great to see."Saint said standing at the bottom of the grandstairs.

Marvin cleared his throat "promise me you okay"

"I promise."

He nodded and walked away leaving just me and Saint in the dining room

Saint threw my phone on the table in front of me "call Dmitri and tell him you are okay."


"Evelyn, I said call Dmitri and tell him that you are okay."he cut me off.

I sighed and called Dmitri, he answered on the first ring "Eve, I was worried about you, are you okay?"

"Yes I'm fine."I lied through my teeth "I'll see you sometime soon, I'm just busy okay?"

"Okay just call me back asap."

"Aight bye."I said before hanging up.

Saint pecked my forehead "good girl."

"I'm going to shower."I stood up bumping his shoulder as I walked past him.

"Eve I'm sorry okay?"he said making me stop in my tracks.

I said nothing I just kept walking to the bathroom.

I took a shower and all then I looked at the paper and it read

"Meet me in belair drive, 236 at 11:00 it's about Santana."

I grabbed my car keys and went back down stairs, seeing Saint sitting by the breakfast nook counting cocaine bags...I slowly moved back and took a video of him counting them then I emerged.

"where you going?"

"To see my mama."I paused "what the fuck am I prisoner or something now?"

He stood up and walked towards me, immediately towering over "nah baby do what you want."

"Okay see you later."I mumbled.

"Hold on."he said before going back to the nook and he grabbed a stack of cash and put it in my hands "go shopping we going to the club tonight."

"Saint this is too much."I shook my head.

"Just make sure you look good by the time you get back."

Without saying anything I left and drove to the location, it was a home, that looked good, huge infact.

I climbed out of my car and clicked the button on the intercom.

"Who is it."

"Eve"I simply said.

The gates opened almost immediately I walked in and headed up the driveway, a girl met me halfway with 3 kids behind her.

"I told y'all to stay inside."she said to the kids.

"Nice to meet you."she gave out her hand.

I shook it "nice to meet you too."

I followed her into her house, I looked around and it genuinely looked good as hell.

"Nice home."I smiled.

"Thank you."she said "I called you here to talk about Saint, I'm Danisha Santana, I married Saints Brother, Malcolm."

"Oh okay."I said still confused "what's going on I thought Saint only had a sister ?"

She chuckled "Saint and Malcom don't get along, Saint is a drug lord and Malcom was family man."


"I'm sorry why am I here again ?"

"Malcom passed away last year, I didn't know what I would do without him, I had 3 kids and I was in debt, I asked their sister, Maia, for financial help, she refused so when she said no, I had no choice but to ask Saint before he agreed to help me he made me transport cocaine across the  state for him......but he eventually he let me go because..apparently he started messing with a cop so he didn't want me doing frequent trips with the drugs"she explained "and I see why he's in love in with you...you beautiful beyond compare"

"No."I shook my head "Saint don't love me, he told me that, and he makes sure that I know that there are no strings attached everyday."

"What I'm trying to say to you is that get out while you still can, it never ends well with Saint.... everything to him a transaction if he don't benefit he ain't keeping you around and he's only keeping you around because he can control and manipulate you"

"It looks like it ended pretty well with you."I shrugged but not taking her words lightly.

"Yeah it did because I'm Malcoms wife-"

"And he made you do compromising things"I cut her off.

She sighed "my kids are his nephews that's the only reason why he takes care of us."

"What do you mean he takes care of you."

"Well for starters, the house, my car and bills."she listed "he takes care of all those things."

"Then he doesn't seem like a bad person to me."

Danisha laughed "you don't get it do you? Your lip is bruised, he beat you didn't he?"

I looked away.

"Eve if you don't get out now while you still can he'll kill you, he'll beat you to a pulp, the only reason why Saint even agreed to take care of us is because I'm family and he's big on that since he ain't got family like that."

"So you called me here to tell me that I should leave."I asked "I think I already know that."

"I warned you Eve, I warned you, yes the sex is good, yes he got a big dick yes fucking with him feels like high you can't explain but you don't mean shit to him, he can take you out any day."

"And how the fuck would you know that."

"You not the first girl I've warned."she mumbled.

"I'll be fine."

She shook her head "you never know when he strikes, that's his nature, when you least expect it you'll wake up with a gun to your face, His uncle doesn't approve of you because you a cop and he's been convincing Saint to get rid of you and eventually he'll do so.....take my advice and run"

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