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Evelynn Brown

"Baby get the door."my mama yelled at me while she made dinner.

I jumped off of my bed and put on a pair of pajama pants and a tank top.

I put on my slippers and tied my hair up in a messy bun.

Yeah I was literally only wearing underwear when she called me, that's how I be in my room when it's close to bed time, it was 8 pm, we usually have dinner at 7 but my mama just felt too tired to cook, I would've cooked but she insisted that she got it.

I heard another bang on the door as I walke towards it "I'm coming damn relax."

I opened it only to be met with a horrific scene, Marvin holding Saint with blood all over them, I couldn't quite gasp what was going on.

"You gon' help us or what? Move yo ass out the way bro."he said helping Saint in.

He sat saint on the couch as he bled more and more, it didn't faze or mama we seen blood a lot because of our line of work, but it was just disturbing.

I pulled Marvin aside "what the fuck Marvin are you crazy?"

"You wanted Saint Santana right you got him...right in your living room."

"He's literally bleeding on all my couch what the fuck happened."I asked frantically watching him cling onto his arm.

"Business deal went sour, shots were fired, he said not to take him to the hospital, you lived closer and I know your mama is a nurse and you wanted him right? He's right there...I'm a genius, I thought to bring him here."Marvin explained.

I turned to my mom who was watching really confused.

I walked towards her "ma you have to help him, you a nurse..you know how to do this no?"

"Who is he?"she asked confused.

"Saint Santana."I mumbled.

"The guy that-"

"Yes."I cut her off "if this man dies from blood loss it's over for me, it's me or him, help him."

"I didn't know he looked like this."she said.

"Like what?"

"Fine as hell."

"Ma seriously get your kit, get the bullet out and stitch him up."I said through gritted teeth.

She nodded and quickly went to go get her first aid box cause that shit wasn't no kit.

"Are you okay?"I asked him looking at his arm.

"What do you think."he chuckled.

"This ain't the time to be funny."I shook my head.

"Evelynn I know he's your boyfriend but move."my mother said placing a chair in front of him, she sat there and got to work.

My mom turned to me "prepare dinner, ain't nothing gon' stop me from eating chile."

"Come on."I pulled Marvin to the kitchen.

"Do you accept me now sister?"he asked and that kind of broke my heart, maybe I was too harsh, I couldn't punish him for his mother's sins.

"Whatever, you hungry?"I asked while I could hear Saint groan on the other side of the house.

"Yeah."he nodded.

"Who shot Saint?"I took out 4 plates.

"Shii who shot Tupac."he asked instead of answering my question.


"Like I said it's a deal that went sour the guy got mad at Saint cause you know how Saint is...he ain't the nicest person but if you must know the guy who shot him is dead now, him and his whole crew."he said.

"Where are the bodies."I tried my luck, that alone would be enough to get him locked up.

"Nah I can't tell you that..you a cop remember? You are literally the police, I'll never sell him out, I have undying loyalty for that man."

"Even after he tortured you?"I squinted my eyes.

"I was keeping secrets, I deserved it."

"Boy Saint must be running a cult cause ain no way."I shook my head dishing the spaghetti.

"What we eating?"

"Spaghetti and meatballs also with cheese if you like cheese on your spaghetti."I shrugged.

"I'd like that."he smiled.

"Where's dad?"I asked and his smile turned into a frown.

"Probably with a new family..ain't that what he do every 10 years? He gets bored of one family and his kids and then he just move on to the next."

"You good?"

He sighed "nah I'm good I'm a man now...ion need that nigga."

"Please help me carry these to the dining room"I tried to change the focus of the conversation.

He agreed and we carried the plates to the dinner table.

Funny thing is my mama don't know who he is right now...she gon' be really mad, I'll tell her tomorrow.

"I'll be right back."I said rushing back to the kitchen to get 4 glasses and fruit juice, ain't no wine in this bitch.

I put the stuff on the table and then went to the living room to let my mom know I'm done preparing.

Her Saint came in the room because my mama messy she pointed at the seat next to me for Saint to it.

He was all bandaided and ready to go.

"Who gon' say grace?"I asked.

"I'll do it."Saint shrugged "Dear Lord up above, we come before as your children we ask you to bless this food and protect us from anything that ain't healthy and nourishing to our bodies, Amen."

"Amen."my mom smiled "it's better than what Shakira be saying, she can't say grace."

I kept quiet and just ate my food.

"We ain't had a home cooked meal in a while."Marvin said "this is very good."

"What do you mean?"I asked.

"We usually get takeouts like we'll buy  Mac and cheese somewhere or spaghetti and meatballs instead of actually making it."

"So you dine with your workers?"my mother asked.

Why would she call Marvin his worker...this lady has no filter.

"He's not my worker, he's family, nobody works for me, everybody works with me."Saint shrugged.

"My bad, are y'all sleeping over too?"ma asked.

"Ma no, of course they are not sleeping here."I rolled my eyes "you'll be able to leave right?"

"Not without you."Saint said

I choked on my juice "what do you mean, we been done."

"Not anymore, you coming with me"

"What is I say no?"

"You won't."

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