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THE SCHOOL TALKED OF NOTHING BUT SIRIUS BLACK for the next few days. The theories about how he had entered the castle became wilder and wilder; Hannah Abbott, from Hufflepuff, spent much of their next Herbology class telling anyone who'd listen that Black could turn into a flowering shrub.

"Hufflepuff are not always innocent." Marlene mutters as she wink at a boy from Hufflepuff who blushes.

The Fat Lady's ripped canvas had been taken off the wall and Replaced with the portrait of Sir Cadogan and his fat gray pony.

"No not him!" Sirius gasps horrified.

"Oh Merlin." James gulps.

Nobody was very happy about this. Sir Cadogan spent half his time challenging people to duels, and the rest thinking up ridiculously complicated passwords, which he changed at least twice a day.

"He's a complete lunatic," said Seamus Finnigan angrily to Percy. "Can't we get anyone else?" "None of the other pictures wanted the job," said Percy. "Frightened of what happened to the Fat Lady. Sir Cadogan was the only one brave enough to volunteer."

"Wow, they are scared of me?" Sirius rolls his eyes.

"Of your reputation, dadfoot." Antares smirks.

"That's my son! He called me dadfoot! You get it?" Sirius grins proudly.

Sir Cadogan, however, was the least of Coventina's worries. She was now being closely watched. Teachers found excuses to walk along corridors with her, and Percy Weasley (acting, Coventina suspected, on his mother's orders) was tailing him everywhere like an extremely pompous guard dog.

To cap it all, Professor McGonagall summoned Coventina into her office, with such a somber expression on her face Coventina, thought someone must have died. "There's no point hiding it from you any longer, miss Potter," she said in a very serious voice. "I know this will come as a shock to you, but Sirius Black-"

"Aww, I always know that Minnie had favorite." Delphina pouts.

Her mom used to tell her about how their pranks time with Minnie.

"I don't have any favorite." Professor McGonagall stated firmly.

"James." The Marauders and Slytherin Skittles mutters.

"He's after me?" said Coventina raising a brow. "I heard that everywhere." Professor McGonagall seemed very taken aback. She stared at Coventina for a moment or two, then said, "I see! Well, in that case, miss Potter, you'll understand why I don't think it's a good idea for you to be practicing Quidditch in the
evenings. Out on the field with only your team members, it's verexposed, miss Potter-"

"We've got our first match on Saturday." said Coventina calmly, "It would be a shame if we lose." she added. Professor McGonagall considered her intently. Coventina knew she was deeply interested in the Gryffindor team's prospects; it had been she, after all, who'd suggested her as Seeker in the first Place.

"I get too attach to quidditch too." Coventina let out a content sigh.

"And I got too attach to you." Antares chuckles.

"Very funny."

"But it's the truth."

"Hmm..." Professor McGonagall stood up and stared out of the window at the Quidditch field, just visible through the rain. "Well... goodness knows, I'd like to see us win the Cup at last... but all the same, miss Potter... I'd be happier if a teacher were present. I'll ask Madam Hooch to oversee your training sessions."

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