𝟎𝟓𝟐; ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ's ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ

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THE SUMMER WENT QUICK, Draco was extremely happy about going back to Hogwart. Mostly because he will be able to pass more time away from his talkative uncle.

It was going to be their third year, they all have growned up a lot. Draco got taller but then again Antares was taller than him.

"Ah." Lucius frowns.

"Somethings never change." Abraxas chuckles watching the height difference of Achilles and Lucius.

Delphina was the one in the three who was the shortest and she didn't mind it at all. She was the only one who care about choosing new subjects for this year.

"See? I am more responsible!" Delphina scoffs.

"Keep dreaming." Draco rolls his eyes.

She also noticed how Antares would frowned while reading the Daily Profet. She guessed that it have something to do with his father.

Sirius Orion Black.

"Me!" Sirius grins.

"Quiet it down, Black." Achilles hissed softly while covering his ears.

"Oopss my bad, Moonie!" Sirius fuss over his future wife who also hissed.

"Did he just-" Achilles raise abrow. "Yes, he did." James smiles.

Antares have grown up with mother, he barely remember anything about the man who was thrown in Azkaban but he never grow a bit of dislike for him.

Sirius sighs relievely.

Antares remembered the stories his mother told him, of his father being a young, reckless man with a dark, fiery temper, who was always getting into trouble. He even heard rumors about his father being a Death Eater, but he didn't believe them.

He never knew what to think about his father, but he would never believe others. Specially, his grandmother. Antares knew of the rumors of them currently being the 'perfect family'.

"Perfect, my arse." Antares and Sirius rolls their eyes.


It was pathetic specially when his family was fucked up. He was also fucked up, he just did not care.

Draco elbows Antares. "Fuck up, huh?"

"I am pushing that little bastard
off a cliff." Antares groaned.

Antares have seen many things, from his uncle's death, to how his father's life is being destroyed before his own eyes.

Even then, he can be weak too. He
can be cruel. He can be angry, he is human after all. Or was he truly?

"No, he is an annoying
snake." Coventina shrugs.

"You love snakes." Aelora points out.

Antares chuckles.

His anger was a constant, even when he didn't feel it, it was always there.
It was a fire that kept him alive throughout his whole life.

A fire that sometimes turned into an inferno and made him lose control.

The hall tenses, it was almost as if they would feel his anger yet Antares was merely smirking with no care in world.

"Fire?" Coventina murmured, her heart was made out of ice, completely frozen.

He was lost in an ocean of sadness that he couldn't get out of. The darkness of the ocean was all around him and sometimes it got under his skin. He wanted to scream, cry and break everything around him. But he would never do that.

𝔖𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔶 𝔯𝔢𝔭𝔢𝔞𝔱 𝔦𝔱𝔰𝔢𝔩𝔣 | 𝐇𝐏 ʷᵗᵐWhere stories live. Discover now