Chapter 52 - When There's Trouble You Know Who To Call...

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Chapter 52 — When There's Trouble You Know Who To Call...

Chapter 52 — When There's Trouble You Know Who To Call

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"I've got you kid, I've got you."


Shroud was scared.

He was part of the DA.

People knew he was part of the DA.

It was a matter of time he would be picked on by the Inquisitional Squad.

Shroud just wished it wasn't today, but not all wishes come true.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going, you little traitor?" A large Slytherin boy marched right up to him, cornering him to one of the walls in the Slytherin common room. Shroud whimpered as he backed up and hit the wall.

"To my classes...?" Thankfully, Shroud didn't see the shiny silver badge on the boy's uniform, indicating he wasn't part of the squad, but that didn't mean Shroud was safe.

"Oh? To your classes? Well too bad, you see, a couple of our dorms need to be cleaned and we need someone small like you to clean under the beds." The boy gave him a malicious smile. Shroud looked behind him to see that no one was coming to his rescue. In fact, they were either ignoring him or watching with sick amusement.

"Don't the house elves clean the dorms though-"

"I just figured you were a house elf- you're so small and puny enough to be one!" At that, a couple students laughed along with him.

Shroud gathered his courage to stand up for himself, "Leave me alone."

"Oh? House elves don't speak back to their masters-"

"He said, leave him alone." A cold voice spoke from behind the boy and he turned to see the glaring eyes of Draco Malfoy, silver badge sparkling on his uniform.


"Don't you have somewhere else to be?"

"Yeah but I was just teaching-"

Draco glared, "You don't want the Headmistress to hear about this, do you? Shroud here is a loyal part of my squad, working as a spy."

"I didn't know-"

"Of course you didn't know you insolent twat! Now scram!"

Shroud watched as the boy quickly ran, stumbling as he went into the corridor. Filled with relief, Shroud let Draco wrap his arms around him, guiding him away."

"I've got you kid, I've got you."

And Shroud knew that he was safe.


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