Chapter 49 - The Dursley Investigation

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Chapter 49 — The Dursley Investigation

"Is horseback riding similar to riding unicorns?"

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"Is horseback riding similar to riding unicorns?"


"Please don't be rude. I know they treated Harry horribly, but I don't want to embarrass them that much." Y/n pleaded to her family as they exited their private jet and into the car they just bought.

"Relax, we won't be that mean. We aren't even going to ring the doorbell. Just... you know, scouting the area." Dick reassured the slightly panicked girl. She was right to worry though.

After getting to know Harry during the holidays, the Wayne's were more than displeased with the behaviour of the Dursleys, though they were grateful they at least acted polite around Y/n and her grandparents. Currently, they had gotten curious enough to just study the behaviour of the Dursleys, but they didn't want to confront them just yet. After all, they had other plans for their future confrontation.

"But couldn't you all have just done this at home? Tim, I know you're good at hacking security cameras."

Bruce chuckled, patting her head, "I had a business meeting nearby anyways. Besides, you all need a break. Think of this as a short vacation. Your brothers are just joking. They are just setting up some extra precautions in case Harry ever gets into trouble and needs help."

"Minus me." Damian interjected, "I don't want to even get near any of the Dursleys when I've heard enough. Ukht, do you want to go horseback riding?"

Y/n didn't need to know that Damian also had started caring for Harry. This was their plan after all. Damian would be the distraction, though at first he didn't want to, he gave in after learning he would get to spend more time with Y/n. Tim, Jason and Dick would stalk- investigate (and set up security systems) the Dursleys. Though they were going to be more lenient with Dudley since Harry said he's been traumatized by a dementor attack.

During the Christmas holidays, they asked what a dementor was and both Y/n and Harry shivered. In summary, they sucked all the happiness out of you. Even Y/n didn't want to explain further. "Dementors are probably one of the couple of magical creatures I cannot befriend, nor do I want to try to." Which made the brothers even more weary of dementors.

"Though, you probably can't befriend them because you're just a bundle of sunshine." Tim stated which the others agreed with.

"Is horseback riding similar to riding unicorns?"

"I believe so, but they have saddles. Don't worry Ukht, I shall teach you."


With Y/n officially distracted from the Dursley situation, the brothers continued on with their plan.

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