34. The Storage Closet

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My hand was frozen in the air. It was so silent you could hear a pin drop.

Right there in front of us, was Jenny.

That wasn't the surprising part.

The surprising part was, standing extremely close to her, with his hand on her waist, was Ryan.

We all spoke at once.

"How-" "What-" "You're not gay?" "When-?"

I burst out laughing and patted Finn's shoulder. "I told you he was straight."

Ryan coughed awkwardly and stepped away, rubbing the back of his neck. His face was beet red, and Jenny's was no different.

She groaned and rubbed her face. "I did not expect you to find out this way."

I pointed at the two of them. "You two- are a thing?"

Ryan nodded, a shy smile making its way on to his face. He wrapped his arms around Jenny's waist, smiling down at her.

She rolled her eyes, but a fond smile was fixed on her face. I was so gonna get her later for this.

Wait a moment.

"Hey, is that why you two have been dissapearing randomly the past few weeks?"

They gave me guilty smiles. No wonder.

I grinned at Ryan. "Football practice, huh?"

He groaned. "I didn't know Theo was behind you!"

I shook my head. "So this has been going on-"

Jenny nodded. "For a couple of weeks yeah."

I gave them a confused look. "Why are you hiding it though?"

They looked at each other and back at me.

"Well..." Jenny began.

"We didn't exactly...start dating weeks ago. We just...well...stuff happened, one thing led to another, and we started dating only recently."

Jenny gave me a nervous smile. "I wanted to tell you guys, but I kept delaying it and well, it's out now."

"Are you guys hanging out without me?"

We all simultaneously turned to see Theo standing there with a huge smile, a can of orange soda in his hand.

At our silent faces he stared at us quizzically. "What?"

I looked at Jenny. She widened her eyes. She was scared he would go off on her for not telling him sooner.

Amidst our staring contest, Ryan apparently was the most straightforward.

He pulled Jenny's face towards him and kissed her. That's one way to say it.

He pulled away and grabbed her hand and intercrossed their fingers.

"We're dating." He said, staring right at Theo.

The orange soda can fell to the ground with loud clang.

Ryan gulped. I could see he was trying to look brave, but was secretly very scared of Theo's reaction. He was one of Jenny's best friends after all.

He placed a hand on his chest and looked at all of us. "Am I seriously the last one to know?"

We nodded. He whined. "That's not fair! I mean, congratulations, but how was I not the first one to know! Also, am I seriously the only single one left? What the hell!"

Ryan and Jenny visibly relaxed, and I chuckled at their reaction. Finn shook his head, an unusually huge smile on his face.

Theo walked over to Ryan and draped his arm around his shoulders. Ryan was about the same height as Theo, but not as huge. It made Theo look a bit intimidating.

"You've been practicing football a lot, I see."

Ryan's face turned red and he laughed nervously. "Right, haha."

I laughed and left the room with Finn. It was time to go home.

"No practice today?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Nope."

The huge smile was still on his face. What was he so happy about?

He held my hand in his as we walked towards his bike. "Let's celebrate, why not try that new cafe today?"

I nodded. "Sounds good to me. But celebrate what?"

He grinned at me, again. "Ryan is straight!"

I smacked the back of his head lightly. "Idiot. Also, I told you so."

He just shook his head we left, and had a great time at the cafe. Their milkshakes were decent too. At least the blueberry one was.

Finn was so much more cheesy than he let on. He got some spaghetti dish, and proceeded to feed me half of it. He had a stupidly cute grin every time.

The nice waitress even took a picture of us on a Polaroid camera and stuck it on their memories wall.

We sat on his roof later, asking each other random questions.

"What's your dream proposal?" He asked.

I laughed. "I'm 17. I don't need to think about it for at least a decade more."

He smiled. "True, but still."

I hummed. "I'm sure I'll change my mind in the future. But right now, a perfect proposal..."

I looked at him with an excited smile. "I don't want a proper ring. Maybe later on, for wearing it out in public. But a simple one. I want to be proposed with a stupid plastic ring. Or maybe a paper ring. Something with a lot of heart in it."

I continued, as Finn had a fond look on his face.

"I think it would be so much cuter. In a little private space, not a huge show in public."

He laughed. "I think that's a first. I've never heard of anyone wanting something like that."

I nodded. "What about you?"

He leaned in and tucked a tiny strand of hair behind my ear.

"My perfect proposal..."

He placed a soft kiss on my cheek.

"Would be one with you in it."

Hey everyone! Just to clear up the confusion, in one of the earlier chapters, Ryan ran off after seeing Theo because he was worried Theo would know he's lying about the "football practice", not because he had a crush on him 😭 I'm sorry y'all I did not expect it to go this way

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