12. The Muffin Mystery

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Saturday morning.

I had added 2 more things to my list. 

8. He likes to draw. 

9. He works out quite often, and looks like it too. 

I wasn't sure if I should include his tattoo, I didn't want him to get judged by the teacher or anything. Roberts didn't seem like that kind of person, but still. 

I decided to head down for breakfast. I clambered down the stairs and saw Finn's mother at the kitchen table. I greeted her, and she told me that my mother went to take a shower.

I took a seat at the table as well, and then remembered who this marvel of a baker was. 

"I can't believe I forgot to thank you! Those muffins you baked were absolutely wonderful." 

She gave me a confused smile. "What muffins?"

I tilted my head slightly. "The strawberry ones." 

She laughed heartily. "Oh my darling, I can't bake for shit. Absolutely horrible. Finn baked those. He's a wonderful baker. He's been working on chocolate ones lately I think."

I sat there, in stunned silence, too shocked to say a word.

That filthy liar. 

Before I could process my thoughts, mom came back and they started talking. I quickly ate my breakfast and went up to my room. Boy, Finn had some explaining to do.

I opened my window and narrowed my eyes when I saw that Finn's curtains were drawn. 

I took my phone and realized that I didn't have his number. I'd just have to hope his notifications weren't turned off. I called him through Instagram and waited. 

A few seconds passed by before he picked up. I heard some rustling, followed by a groan. 

"Sebastian?" He mumbled on the other end, in a much deeper voice than usual. I felt my cheeks go red. Oh god. I need to get a grip on myself.

I shook my head and focused on the task at hand. "Window. Now."

I heard some cursing before the curtains were roughly shoved aside, by a very much shirtless Finn. I swore my heart did the weird somersault thing, and his gorgeous messy hair was not helping. 

He rubbed his face, sleepily. "What?"

I gave him an accusing stare. "Your mom did not bake those muffins."

He gave me a look. "What are you on about?"

I narrowed my eyes even more, they were probably slits at this point. "Strawberry muffins. You baked them didn't you?"

Realization slowly dawned upon him as he opened his mouth and shut it again. 

"Right, I have things to do." And with that, he pulled the curtain closed. 

"HEY!" I yelled. "FINN!"

A tiny gap opened up as he peeked through. "What?"

"Why did you tell me your mom baked them?"

He wasn't meeting my eyes, he was looking everywhere except me. 

"I thought you'd make fun of me."

That was the most absurd thing I'd ever heard. How ridiculous. 

"Finn, you're an idiot. Why would I ever make fun of you?"

He rubbed the back of his neck. "I mean, I'm this big mean guy, baking like, little strawberry muffins. That's so stupid."

 Now that pissed me off. 

"Open your window." I demanded. 

He looked at me quizzically. With another glare from me, he slid it open. 

I let out a string of profanities while I haphazardly climbed out and maneuvered myself into his room. 

I grabbed the nearest book I could find, it happened to be a chemistry textbook. And then I swatted him with it. 

"You big dumb idiot!"

"Oi!" He jumped around, trying to escape my masterful attacks, although I probably had about the effect of a hamster fighting a tiger. 

I held the book out threateningly. "It's not stupid. Baking is fucking awesome, and it doesn't make you any less of a big mean guy."

His eyes softened and he smiled slowly. "Thank you."

And there I had found my final point. 

I nodded, very proud of myself. I smoothened out the cover of his book and placed it on his desk. I spotted a little piece of paper poking out, and I thought I saw my name.

I was pretty sure I had just found his list. I grabbed it and tried to read, but Finn leapt on me. 

"HEY! Give it back, Sebastian!" 

I kept it out of his reach for about two seconds before he just fell on top of me, his giant body essentially trapping me. I groaned, "Hey, this isn't fair."

My face went red when I realized the position we were in. I was on the floor, on my back. He was on top of me, still shirtless, and our faces were merely inches apart. He was supporting his weight with his hands on either side of my head, so he wouldn't crush me completely. My hand still clutched the paper, but I wasn't focusing on that anymore. 

My breathing grew erratic and my face grew even hotter. Time seemed to slow down, and there was a heavy silence. 

Until he quickly grabbed the paper out of my hand and got up. 

"Aha!" He said, trying to appear nonchalant, but I could tell he was a little flustered as well. 

I changed the topic before my mind got me in weird positions again. "So, I heard you've been trying out chocolate muffins?"

He nodded. "Never really made them before. I just made a batch yesterday. I can't really tell if they're good or not, so why don't you help me?"

As if I would ever turn down choc muffins. I grinned and followed him down the stairs. Thankfully, he put on a t-shirt before we went down. Not sure what would've happened otherwise. 

He kept a plate in front of me and placed three heavenly looking chocolate-chip muffins on it. I rubbed my hands together dramatically, emitting a light chuckle from him. 

I took a huge bite, chewing slowly and enjoying the rich chocolate flavor. It was moist, it was delicious, it was perfect. 

I noticed Finn nervously looking at me, waiting for my reaction. I smiled widely, as wide as I could without showing my teeth. I was sure my teeth were coated in chocolate right now. 

"It's perfect. Pure heaven."

And I can swear the smile he gave me could've lit up all of Paris. 

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