Chapter 14: Odd One Out

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"I thank you all for being able to join us as we begin our selection process. Today will serve as a way to get acquainted and adjusted with one another, the castle, as well as getting settled in. Tomorrow will mark the first day of the selection process. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask either me or one of my royal advisors," Emperor Kruos informs stoically, almost as if he was reading off a script.

"For now, let us go around and introduce yourselves." He concludes, before sitting back down.

He gives a pointed look to the lady on his right, who clears her throat before speaking up. "Greetings, I am Lady Mary-Ann Bridwell from the House of Bridwell. I am pleased to be able to join you all today and wish everyone the best of luck through this process," she introduces in a sickly-sweet tone, batting her eyelashes at the other ladies at her last words.

One by one, the ladies go around introducing themselves, until it is eventually my turn to go.

I clear my throat, feeling all eyes on me, one in particular burning into the side of my head. "Hello, nice to meet you all. I am Lady (y/n) (l/n) from Therasis, a kingdom southeast from the empire. I hope we all get along well." I give an awkward smile.

A lot of the ladies give surprised looks. After all, all of the ladies who were selected were the ladies of either a major duchy within the empire, or a princess of a kingdom from neighboring.

I happened to be the only one who wasn't from either. I was just a mere noble lady from a kingdom on the outskirts of the empire.

'I'm surprised Eliza wasn't invited instead of me, since she is the princess,' I couldn't but sigh mentally. At least it was me and not her, I've saved her some headache dealing with Lady Annabeth.

Speaking of the devil, I look up, directly across the table, and find her glaring at me, though I cannot figure out why since I barely even spoke.

"Thank you, ladies. I look forward to getting to know all of you. For now, please enjoy," Emperor Kruos speaks, before the doors open and maids rush in with platters of food.

A delicious meal is placed in front of me, garnished with fresh herbs. I mentally drool at the sight, grateful that at least I get the finest cooked meals out of this nightmare.

A few of the ladies begin to speak amongst themselves, and the awkwardness from introductions begin to fade.

"So...not even a princess?" Lady Annabeth innocently questions me, taking me by surprise. I pause mid-bite, before lowering my fork.

"Pardon?" I question her. She hasn't touched her food, merely cutting aimlessly into the meat on her plate.

"You are not a noble lady of the empire, nor are you a princess of a kingdom, no? You must have some hidden talent to have landed yourself here," Lady Annabeth playfully spat, though underlying poison laced her words.

I knew she was trying to embarrass me and get under my skin, though there was nothing to be embarrassed about. Furthermore, I wasn't interested in actually participating so her attempts at dissuading me were no stronger than my lack of interest.

I shrug at her. "I have no special talents, Lady Annabeth. All I did was dance with his majesty."

Her knife digs deeper into the steak at my words. I didn't mean to make her mad, but it appears that no matter what I say, she will get mad at me anyways.

'What is this constant rivalry? I merely wish to eat,' I can't help but sigh.

"What did you and his majesty speak about at the ball? You guys must have had a riveting conversation if it swayed his majesty so much," she remarks passive-aggressively.

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