Chapter 8: Dance With The Devil

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"Eliza, I think I have just signed my death warrant," I croak out.

"You've merely looked at him. I know he is quite intimidating, but surely you will not die just by looking at him," Eliza sounds amused, though I felt no ounce of amusement at the situation at hand.

"Goblin." The only word that leaves my mouth.

"What?" Eliza gives me a weird look as I spew nonsensical word vomit.

"I compared him to a goblin." I gulp, sweat building on my forehead.

"Uhhh...are you comparing him to a goblin now that you are seeing him for the first time?" Eliza gave me a 'what do you mean, are you blind?' look.

"I compared him to a goblin, to his face, when I was on my way to the powder room." I swiveled my head slowly to look at Eliza, the sheer horror on my face so prominent that she must've thought I couldn't have been lying.

"Surely, you jest. Are you okay? Shall I ask the royal advisory to excuse us for the night? You are not hallucinating, are you?" Eliza puts the back of her hand against my forehead, feeling for a temperature, though all she feels is sheen of sweat, meanwhile a chill has entered my body.

"I have never unjested harder in my life," my overwhelming fear made up words that didn't even exist. She drops her hands to her side.

"Remember how I told you I bumped into a guard while on my way to the powder room? fact, it wasn't a guard," Eliza puts the puzzle pieces together, eyes widening at the revelation.

"You jest," she denies, though her face blanches, like mine.

"You are telling me that within the ten minutes you were gone, you managed to bump into the emperor, mistake him as a guard, and then proceed to call him a goblin..." Eliza clarifies, looking clearly bewildered.

Well when she puts it like that, it sounds almost comedical, like it belongs in a drama, except this is very much real life, unfortunately.

I nod. "Well, I didn't call him a goblin, but I compared his look to a goblin's..." I trail off.

Eliza's eyes almost pop out of its sockets. "That doesn't make it any better!" She exclaims, throwing her hands and almost hitting some of nearby people, who shoot her a glare.

"Our apologies," I give a tight-lipped smile at them, though they scoff and walk away.

"Screw those people, they are not the ones you should be apologizing to. We must apologize to his majesty IMMEDIATELY!" She exasperates.

"Well I did apologize to him when I ran into him, but I didn't apologize about the goblin thing. In fact, I even called him quite handsome compared to one..." I try to defend myself lamely.

Eliza gapes at me like I had grown two heads.

"THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT!" She clutches her hair at its roots.

"I am so scared, Eliza. What if I go to apologize to him and he draws his sword and cuts my head off!" I cry out, fear gnawing at my body.

The room grows quiet, though Eliza and I failed to notice in our state of panic.

Eliza, feeding into my hysterics, gasps. "You mustn't! Don't approach him without someone around! Your head will fly off!"

"How did you not recognize him? Did he not give his name?" She shakes the red locks in her grip aggressively.

"He introduced himself with only his first name! I didn't know what he looked like until now nor have I seen pictures of him! Also, you're the one who said I will know when I see him!" I informed her.

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