31: 𝐹𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑦 𝐼𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑒𝑠

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"So how are things with Midoriya?"


"Huh?" Bakugou thought, leaning closer to listen more.

Kira's face went red from embarrassment for so, so many reasons. First off this is already weird coming from her uncle. Second off BAKUGOU WAS IN HER CLOSET.
And now he knew her uncle was trying very hard to get her to date the boy that they both hate.

And Kira didn't know whether of not she should tell him that she hates his successor.

"Oh umm... What do you mean?" She asked, trying to avoid answering.

"How are you two getting along? He's very secretive when it comes to... Stuff like that."
He said. Kira just stared at him because...
Why did he expect her to want to talk about her love life MORE than Midoriya does?!

"Well uh... We're not that close. We didn't... Mesh well?" She said, scrunching up her nose.

"What the fuck are they talking about?!- oh. She mentioned the first time we talk that her and Deku went out- Is her uncle... -Who is All Might- trying to hook them up?! That's weird. How is that any of his business?! And why the hell Deku?!"

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." He said and Kira hoped he'd just let it go. "I thought you started UA to get close to him."

She laughed nervously. "Why would you think that?"

"I just... Couldn't think of another reason other than impressing... Him." All might said slowly, realizing that he had been very wrong in his assumptions.

"Well I guess you were wrong." She said simply. "Now go away, you've made this really weird."

"So I'm assuming you're staying at UA then?"
He asked, Kira stared at him.

"I mean I wasn't planning on leaving." She snapped, crossing her arms.

"But..." He sighed and looking at Kira like she was a toddler. Like she was an impatient stubborn child. "Listen, you must know that because you're... You know... A quirkless person just can't be a hero Kira. You have to know that."

"Oh great. Now he's parenting me."
Kira ran a hand through her hair.
"If that's true... Then it's my problem. Besides just going to UA isn't going to automatically make me a hero when I grow up." She said.

"But Kira, you can't be this selfish." He sighed, Kira raised an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry, selfish?" She asked with a frown.

"The hero course... There are thousands of children with magnificent quirks that would love a spot. That deserve a spot. A spot that you're taking up." He said. He had a certain air about him, his heroic "holier than thou" stance. "I think you should go back to your old school."

"If you want me to leave UA. You'll have to get Nezu to expell me himself." Kira said stubbornly.

All Might sighed in exasperation. "Why can't she understand what I'm saying?"
"Listen. Kira."

"You know what. No I'm not going to listen, you can't just ignore my existence and then drop in and start telling me how to live my life!" Kira said shaking her head. "I like it at UA, and I'm doing just fine in training. I even beat Midoriya in an exercise. If there is someone else out there who deserves my spot more than I do I encourage them to try and take it."

"Kira. Calm down." He said putting a hand up like she was being completely unreasonable and childlike.

"Is there anything else you wanted to say? Or are you just here to try and convince me to drop out?" She asked him.

"I don't have to convince you Kira. I'm your guardian and I can pull her from the school if I see fit. I've just come to just try to convince you and make you understand."
He said, closed off. Expression hardened.

"You can't do that. Please. Can't you just ignore me? Like you did for years?! Why do you care so much all of the sudden?" Kira asked. She could feel that it hurt him a little, obviously he did feel bad for leaving her alone like he did.

"I always cared about you Kira. But you have to understand I was mourning. Your mother was very important to me, I was upset so I focused on work!" He said like what he went through was equal to what Kira did.

"Really?" Kira asked with a scoff. "She was my mother. You don't think I was in mourning too? That I wasn't scared?"

"I never said that Kira." He sighed.

"You can't just swoop in here and start making major life decisions for me. It's not fair." Kira said. Bakugou was being awfully quiet in his closet, listening intently. She hated the fact that they were having this conversation with him present.
"Listen, can we talk about this later?" She asked, rubbing her eyes so she didn't start crying. "I have plans."

"What plans?" All might asked as though he had a right to know.

"I'm just hanging out with a friend." She answered. She just wanted him to leave.

"Who?" He questioned and Kira groaned.

"Bakugou, from school." She rolled her eyes.

"Fuck don't bring me into this." Bakugou thought nervously. But he was also curious about what All Might would say about him behind his back.

All Might stared for a moment. "No wonder her and Midoriya aren't friends."

"Well... Bakugou is... A fine student." He finally said. Kira was so glad he didn't decide to voice his thoughts about Bakugou. Because he didn't seem too terribly fond of him in the first place.
"I'll leave you to it then. But please Kira, think about this. Especially before internships, things are just going to get harder for you at UA and I can't protect you."

"I never asked for you to protect me."
Kira said as he walked to the door.

He stopped at the door and turned back.
"I know. But I just can't help it." He said sadly. "If anything happened to her I'll never forgive myself. She's all I have left, why can't she understand that?"

And with that he left.

Kira closed the door behind it and set her forehead against it. She sighed and waited as Bakugou slowly creeped out of his hiding spot.

"That was a lot. No wonder she doesn't talk about him." He thought standing there. He watched her cautiously, trying to judge just how upset she was.

"Do you think he's right?" Kira asked, staring at the door. "Do you think there are kids who deserve it more than me?" Her brows knit together in deep thought.

"I think... If they're so weak they need you to drop out to get a spot. Instead of earning it... They don't deserve it at all." He said. Every word was careful and thought through. She looked over at him. He was glaring as usual, at her floor boards.

"Besides... I don't think I can survive highschool without you." He looked up at her. "So you better not fucking leave do you hear me newbie?!"

"Thanks KitKat." Kira smiled softly. "Sorry for not telling you, about him being All might and all." She apologized. "I just knew how much you looked up to him, and how much you... Didn't like my uncle."

"I don't know how I feel anymore." He shook his head. "He's kinda an asshole."

"Yeah. I think he means well though." Kira sighed. "In reality being my guardian was kinda forced into him... It's not like he asked for a kid."

"That doesn't fucking matter."
Bakugou grumbled. "He could have at least tried."

"I know." Kira whispered, she felt tears coming into her eyes. She rubbed them away and sniffled. "Sorry."

Bakugou walked over and buried her in a hug. Resting his chin on her hair. "Don't apologize for opening up to me." He grumbled.


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