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A warm day in Hell...one of its better days, despite being Hell.

A young girl, six years of age, skips down the pavement, playfully jumping to avoid the cracks, as a little saying she once heard went something like this.

Step on the crack...break your momma's back. Something she would never dream of wanting to happen to her dear mother...wherever her mother may be in this world the girl lives in.

The child's ink black hair is tied up in two cute little pigtails wrapped with black ribbon, her dark green eyes happily staring at all things colorful enough to catch her attention, before something else would pull her focus away and have her running towards the said new, colorful, thing. She wears an emerald green dress with white lace for trimming on the ends of her sleeves, as four little golden buttons are sewn on the front, the bottom right side of her dress having decorative black stitching that resembles a spider's web.

In the palms of her gray skin-colored hands--speckles of white that resemble that of freckles splashing in random places on her skin--she holds carefully a music box. A metallic box decorated with handcrafted golden symbols, and branded on the front is the symbol of a spider. It's eight legs fully outstretched, while beneath the spider's head is a child's name carved within the gold plating.

Y/N Morde.

A birthday gift, given to you from your dear papa, who had it specially crafted just for your special seventh birthday that was today.

Feeling overjoyed when you received the gift, you wanted to spread it to the ears of those who would be willing to listen. Though when you asked your father to take you to Pentagram city--that way you could play your music box and perhaps perform a dance--he told you no, claiming that it was your gift only, and that the others you sometimes see wander back and forth aimlessly on the streets aren't worth your time. That people like those outside the iron gate borders of your home...would only corrupt your innocence.

As a six-year-old, you both wanted to obey your father--because of how intimidating he appears to be from time to time--and disobey, due to the fact you felt so strongly about a beautiful gift like your music box shouldn't be kept to yourself.

A gift like this should be played for all to listen. Maybe upon hearing the melody, it would brighten someone's day, as it did yours.

Hence why, you found yourself secretly sneaking out of the safe place that is your home, and blindly entering Hell's demon ridden streets, a smile on your face, as excitement pulses through your veins.

You were ignorant. A cute, sweet, innocent little girl, happily skipping through the sidewalks of Hell, unable to see the chaos unfold around you. Of course, with this being Hell, it's normal to see a car burning as it speeds down the road, the person driving unaware of his surroundings, blindly swerving left and right. It's normal to see demon's getting in fights, most time ending with only one standing.

Though despite knowing this--and despite it actually happening across the street that you walk on--it was almost as if you couldn't see any of it, your mind so consumed by the mentality of wanting to spread an act of kindness using your music box.

So, you continue to walk--humming a soft song your father would sing to lull you to sleep--as your feet jump each and every crack visible to your eye.

Until, that is, when a pair of thick forearms suddenly wrap around your tiny waist, lifting you off the ground, while a large, dirty hand was thrown over your mouth to keep your screams from being heard. Any kicking or squirming you did was useless against a demon as big and strong like the one who grabbed you.

𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐄 ★Alastor x fem! reader★🥀Where stories live. Discover now