Ch. V ✡Alastor & Zestial✡

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"I like your suit!"

"What are the antlers for?"

"Can I touch your staff thing?"

"Are those your ears or is it your hair? I can't tell!"

Kill me, Alastor says in his head, his eye twitching as the five imbecile egg bois that Vaggie tasked Alastor to get rid of trail behind him, following Alastor's every step, asking question after question about anything and everything that comes to mind.

He'd much rather hard boil them and eat them since he didn't finish his breakfast due to Vaggie's rude interruption. But Vaggie requested that Alastor rid of these egg bois humanely, and that is what he's doing on his outing today.

Humanely a lot less hot. Though it if means avoiding Vaggie's random bitching, he'll do it.

Alastor continues to walk down the sidewalk, feeling a slice of pain grow in his head from the egg bois non-stop chitter chatter about the most ridiculous things known to man. One of them had stopped walking entirely to stare into a puddle of Hell knows what, and dip his finger in it, only making the disgust in Alastor grow.

What joy it will be to rid of them. It is annoying to have been tasked this, but it's nice to be out of the hotel for a day. Even if it's just for a few simple hours, he's glad to get some space from the others.

Charlie's frantic behavior about Extermination Day coming up has been annoying to say the least. Vaggie-- well, he's never been on good terms with her, there relationship has been rocky since day one. Nor does he actually want to take the time to fix that. He doesn't care enough to do so.

Angel there anything else to say? It's Angel Dust, his existence alone is enough for Alastor to be annoyed and disgusted.

Husker is another lost soul Alastor managed to take in a game of poker. He is Alastor's last resort when it comes to entertainment.
Though lately, Alastor's beginning to notice that Husker's soul is reaching its point of complete numbness, nothing said or done could affect him or stir a reaction.

Sir Pentious, ha! Alastor loves giving him evil side eyes, seeing Pentious's scared reaction before he'll slither away in the corners to avoid Alastor's burning crimson eyes. Though it's starting to become a little redundant. You can only do the same thing a few times before you begin to lose the dopamine hits.

And then...there is you.
Your presence at the hotel has both its advantages and disadvantages. Alastor will confess, you're a good worker, and you've shown to be quite capable--especially when it comes to paperwork and sorting through files. Which was always a nuisance to Alastor since day one.

Your hands were...much needed, to say the least. Less work for Alastor to do, and more time for himself to do such pesky deeds like finding a place to drop off the egg bois that everyone else is INCAPABLE of doing. Eye roll.

You've been doing everything from paperwork, to entertaining worthless sinners who barely deserve a glance, and sometimes helping little Niffty clean--even though you didn't have to.

You aren't worthless, he'll admit that. You just come off as...blunt and, sassy. Using your rank as your crutch for whatever excuse you have.

𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐄 ★Alastor x fem! reader★🥀Where stories live. Discover now