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Without missing a beat, I said, "nope, are you though Fe-fe?" This caused all of my S class classmates to begin laughing while Felix blushed, and I heard the little dig of a love point bumping me up to 90 love points in Felix, he's honestly too easy some times. 


"U - um. . ." I watch Felix stutter until finally I point at the next person to ask a question, Rose. Who bounced, as I pointed at her. 

"Who is Lila?" I put my phone back into the pocket in my skirt, as she asked her question in her unusually high voice. 

I nod my head and point at Juleka, who answers in her usual, or usual now, confident tone, with her rather gravelly voice. Juleka answers, "she is our friend, who moved away not that long ago, and is now going on the adventure of a lifetime with her moms, now, she is in Africa. Her trips aren't planned, so we bet on where her family will go next. She is a travel blogger." 

Juleka then looked at the group of raised hands, and pointed at Adrian Agreste, curious about what he'll have to say, but Kim cut him off before he could ask the question. "how the hell are you guys S class, when none of you guys scream greatness to me? I mean look at you all, none of you look that strong," Kim swept his hand in an exaggerated motion, clearly bent on making us the joke. 

"What makes us seem so weak to you?" I say before anyone can react to how Kim just addressed, us. Keeping my face neutral, though, I'm boiling inside. 

"From what I hear you, Prince Felix, and Prince Nino all live and hide behind your rank. Kagami lives behind her moms title. Nathaniel doesn't have a presence, neither does Max or Juleka either!" I click my tongue as does Felix and Nino. While everyone else from S class remains silent. 

"Define hide behind my rank?" I chuckle while I clutch my book bag like it's a vice. Wanting to behead Kim for his assholery. 

"Look at yourself, the only thing you are missing is all of your damn crowns!" I click my tongue, and thing, looking at Kim still. He has this high and mighty standing while he looks down on us, for something we can't control by being born royalty. 

I think then say, "I walked here because my driver is an old ass who can't bother to get up an hour earlier." I look up for a second then look back up at the roof. "I have been poisoned so many times it's not funny, assassination attempts are common. Tell me, would you survive what we have as royalty?"

I watched as Kim deflated a little, but still stood tall as he stuttered, but before he could form a coherent sentence, Nino boomed out. "I was nearly assassinated last week, Felix was nearly assassinated two days, Chloe was nearly assassinated about 4 days ago, and we only survived because of the fact that we can fight and have grown accustomed to poisons and built immunities that have damn near killed us in our training to survive. If we are weak for what position we were born in, then you are beneath us, and should act like it!" 

When Nino boomed out, I jumped in fright, Nino has the patience of a monk. So the fact that he just screamed over an honestly common statement for us, means that it was said to us one too many times for Nino's liking. 

Quickly Felix and I jump in while Juleka and Max turn Nino to face the chalkboard instead of the class while trying to calm him down. Felix and I both clap our hands together to break the awkward silence. Effectively making everyone's shock catch up to them and they jump. 

Felix says awkwardly, trying to keep everything in a row, "alright, no more questions!"

~Time Skip, Lunch Time, because class is boring~

Once it's time for lunch we all sit together, and begin situating ourselves. 

Kagami leaning against me, while she scrolls through the tasks for after school. Kagami likes using my shoulder as her pillow, and I've never minded because she at least doesn't scream in my ear. 

Reincarnated as Child Chloe BourgeoisWhere stories live. Discover now