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Anyways, I'm walking home peacefully because my adorable niece's party is going to be in an hour and I don't wanna go there dirty as I am. I was halfway across the road when suddenly I got isekai'd! I was hit by a truck! I went flying, still clutching my nieces gift as well as my phone close to my chest, desperate to protect both! My phone holds all my good and bad contacts, I can't lose it, and I can't lose my niece's gift either! I closed my eyes expecting a landing, only to feel like I am in bed. 


When I opened my eyes again, my butt hurt and I felt two arms picking me up. Everything was blurry so I kept blinking and when my vision finally cleared I saw that butler from Miraculous Ladybug who followed around that traumatized girl, Chloe, I believe his name was, he looked worried. I blinked again, and rubbed my eyes, only to see the little chubby hand of a four year old or a toddler. 

"Eh?" I froze, my voice is so high pitched, my hands are tiny, I'm being held by that butler. . . what was his name again? I looked at him as he carried me through an airport, eh? Why are we at the airport? I look around and see Chloe's mom staring at me and the butler sadly, before she caught my eye and immediately turned away from me, no longer looking as the butler sped walked away from her as quickly and politely as possible. 

What happened? I tilted my head then I heard a ding and I felt a rush of memories that made my head spin! It was all jumbled, so I quickly started sorting through all the memories as the butler kept walking through the giant airport while carrying me. 

From the looks of it from the memories, Chloe is four years old, the butler carrying me is named Armond Jean-Antione Monet, or at least that is the name he introduced himself as when he first met Chloe about a year ago. The butler Armond actually didn't start as a butler, no, he started as a busboy, who helped Chloe escape from her body guards during a party, so Chloe decided to throw a tantrum to keep the very nice Armond by her side. So he was hired to remain by my side. 

As for what just happened apparently Audrey, Chloe's mom, is leaving to go to New York for stars known how long. Andre, Chloe's dad, is too busy at work to see her off, but Chloe insisted on seeing her off. So Armond and she went to go see her off, Chloe apparently begged her not to go, Armond handed Audrey a teddy bear to give Chloe. Audrey made up some stupid line about how she loves Chloe, handed Chloe the bear, Chloe accepted it, but went to hug Audrey goodbye, so Audrey responded by pushing Chloe hard while making a grossed out noise. Chloe flew back, fell onto her butt, started crying after the first bounce, bounced a few more times, then she fell onto her back and hit her head hard, that's when I woke up here. 

. . . That's not a mother that does that, it's a woman who birthed a child they don't want. So this is what my niece meant when she complained about Chloe's mom. 

I look at Armond as he keeps speed walking and he keeps glancing at me worried, until finally he makes it to the emergency room attached to the airport. Then he quickly sets me down on a rather fluffy chair and quickly starts patching up my injuries, I just sit there patiently. 

After a few minutes when he's done he asks me, "is there any pain anywhere Mademoiselle Chloe?" 

"No, and it's just Chloe," I say rather quietly, since my own voice at the moment kind of hurts my ears, I'll have to work on that.

Armond blinks, clearly shocked and says while picking me up gently, "pardon?"

"Just call me Chloe, not Mademoiselle Chloe, you are my friend Armond, not a stranger," I say, keeping my quiet tone while holding onto Armond, who started walking briskly towards the entrance of the airport, his movements are slightly stiff compared to before, but I think that is due to shock. 

Reincarnated as Child Chloe BourgeoisWhere stories live. Discover now