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D'ella POV:

Za'ke took me to the pools of water my family had flown over when we arrived at the metkayina island. It was very warm since the water was shallow and the sun hit the water all day.

I ran my hands over the top of the water and hummed my mamas song cord. I could feel Za'ke looking at me while he sat next to me in the pool of water.

I saw a little critter crawling under the sand so I stuck my face under the water so I could see better. I felt Za'ke run his fingers through my hair occasionally wrapping his fingers around my kuru.

I saw the little critter stick its head above the sand to look around so I brought my head closer to the floor of the pool.

I rested my elbows on my ground while my face was about half a foot away from the critter. I wanted to give him some space so he'd come out and I could see him better.

I think I took to long watching him because next thing I know Za'ke put his much larger hands around my waist and pulled me up out of the water. "Baby you've gotta breathe" he said in a soft tone.

I just gave him a pouty face which he seemed to find funny. I don't know why I'm pretty scary.

I saw him look at something behind me so I turned around and saw our siblings approaching us. Za'ke seemed pretty upset they turned up but I'm not sure why?

They climbed up into the pod, kiri sitting next to me as we wrapped our arms around each other. Tsireya started talking about something and I assumed she was teaching my siblings about the sea.

I wanted to swim some more so I tapped Za'ke on the shoulder repeatedly which wasn't really necessary because he was already facing me.

I pointed towards the sea that was enclosed. He nodded his head and followed me down towards the sea quickly catching up with me so he could hold my hand.

He thought I needed help being lowered into the water but I pried my much smaller hand out of his and jumped into the sea trying to make a big splash. He quickly dived in after me much more elegant than me.

I swam to the bottom where I knew shells would lay. I ran my fingers over the sand trying to find some shiny pearls and shells so I could make Za'ke and me matching waist belts.

Za'ke swam about a foot or two away from me watching and protecting.

It took me a few hours to fill my purse up with shimmery things because I had to take air breaks and Za'ke kept trying to hold my hands and I needed them to shift through the sand.

We made our way up to the beach where I could start on our waist belts.

(Here's some inspo I found online but if u wanna think of something else go for it 👍🏽)

(Here's some inspo I found online but if u wanna think of something else go for it 👍🏽)

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