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Marco and Madison driving to Raven's job to get his son.  "so I thought relationship isn't your thing? " Madison asked

"It wasn't"

"So how did you end up with what's her name?"


"Yeah.  Y'all together? "

"Complicated! " he said not wanting to talk about it. 

"And my nephew?"

"What about him? "

"Was that supposed to happen? "

"Look you asking a lot about me.  What about you? "

"I already told you everything.  It's your turn"

"Aint shit happening"

"You always had a hard time not talking just being a dick"

"You out of all people know I don't like talking about my problems," he said looking at her.

"And that's your problem.  No wonder you always stay with an attitude. Or lash out for no reason. And you can't say that went away,  cause I know it didn't"

He smacks his lips "You need a job"

"I know what I need. "

"Okay we gone see if She can put you on while we here"

"And what she does? "

"She sells houses"

"Is she good at what she does? "

"Very good.  So you can get on."

"And how you pull somebody like that? "

He laughs "Long story" They pulled up got out and went inside the Raven building.  They walked to the back opening her office. 

Raven looks up and sees him with a chick.  "Another one? " she asked

"Don't start that shit" he said not trying to hear it grabbing his son.

"Him?  Eww hell nah.  I'm his twin sister" Madison said

"Sister?" Raven looks confused "Never mentioned it.  But it's normal when it comes to him" Raven said being smart. 

"Nobody got time for yo bull shit," he said

"and I didn't either the other day now did I? "

"Okay then," Madison said looking at them go back and forth. 

"You fucked up"

"Last time I checked we were and still are single"

"Yeah, we are ain't we? So I can do me too"  He said

Raven looks at him getting mad "Get out!"

"Now you mad" He said laughing.

Raven walks from around her desk to him grabbing her son back"Can we not like do this in front of him? " Madison asked looking at both of them.

"Give me my son bro," he said putting his bag down. 

"No, go do you.  My son ain't gone be around none of your bullshit " she said

Madison stops him from walking towards her "Okay for real.  Stop!  What the fuck is going on? " she said

"Nothing! " Marco said

"Really?  All of this.  Us!  Is because if you.  Now you mad I got you back but it really wasn't a get back cause I'm single"

Madison shakes her head. "Bro I'm done.  Do you like I've been saying?  You keep saying that shit you can have it. I don't give a fuck no more" he said walking out mad as fuck.

"I'm sorry." Raven said shedding a tear "Your brother is a lot to deal with" she said sitting down with King.  Raven takes a deep breath.

Madison walked over to her "May I?" she asked to hold King.  Raven handed him to her. Madison looks at him. She looks just like them.  "He looks just like us," she said smiling.  Raven smiles too. 

"He probably left you"

"Girl I don't care.  I know he's a handful.  I just never thought this" she said looking at King smiling. 

"Trust me," Raven said getting up "I didn't either.  He was unexpected.  So sister huh?  Y'all do look alike.  He never talks about his family at all.  Only ran into your dad if y'all do share the same dad"

"We do"

"Well.  Every time he sees him.  He becomes angry"

"Because my dad was not a dad anybody would expect as a father. And he did a lot that traumatizes Marco still probably to this day.  He like a walking demon to him" Madison said

Raven felt for him but he never seemed to even open up about his family trauma to anybody. "I get it.  And I know it's something that y'all father did that caused him to be how he is. Look we don't have to talk it about " Raven said not wanting to make her uncomfortable "So I guess I'll be taking you home. "

"If that's okay with you.  He did tell me I needed to find a job. So you were the best to come to"

"Hmm. " Raven said not really wanting to reply to that  " Do you have any experience in real estate? "

"No.  Not at all"

"How about being an assistant? "

"Like handle appointments and shit? "

Raven laughs "Yeah.  For me.  I just had to fire my other assistant.  She wasn't too good"

Madison laughs "Umm.  Yeah I'll take it" she said

"Anything for family okay?  Even though we just met.  You seem like a good girl.  Better than your twin I must say"

"Oh Trust me nothing like that dude," Madison said as they laughed.

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