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Naomi woke up to her home ringing off the hook.  She gets up seeing it an unknown number. 

"Hello" Naomi answered

"Yes is this Ms.  Sanders? "


"I'm sorry to tell you.  Your mother has been in an accident I'll need you to come up here to the hospital" a female voice can be heard saying

Naomi got to hyperventilating.  Steven gets up to see her.

"Naomi you okay? " Steven asked

Everybody gets up seeing her freaking out. 

"My...my... my mom.  I have to go"

Raven comes out seeing Naomi in tears. "I'm going with you," she said not knowing what was happening. 

All the girls rushed out with Naomi getting in the car.  Raven takes off to the hospital getting there within 15 minutes. They all rush in as Eve and Danny stay back. Naomi rushed into the room seeing her mother on a breathing machine.

"Mom! " Naomi said coming up to her face and rubbing her laying her head on her chest and crying.

Raven stood there in tears.

A nurse comes in telling her.  Her mother has been in a bad car accident.  She was hit head-on.  She would be in a coma.  They don't know if She'll make it or not. She had little to none of brain activity. And let her know she has lost the baby.

Naomi comes to hug Raven.  "I'm so sorry," Raven said hugging her tight "I'm not going nowhere"

Hours later Eve and Danny sitting in the waiting room seeing the guys come in. 

"How is she?  What do they say? " Steven asked

"Her mother might not make it," Danny said

"Damn," Kam said becoming worried.

Steven walked back to the room and opened the door seeing Raven still holding Naomi by her mother crying. 

"I don't know what I'll do if she passes. It's just me" Naomi said

Her mother stops breathing.  Naomi gets up "Mom.  MOM! "

Steven ran out of the room getting a nurse.  Three nurses walked in taking over.  "Back up please".  As they rushed to her mother's side.  Naomi still screamed her mother's name.  They had to take her out of the room.  Naomi falls to the ground crying.  Steven gets on the floor grabs her head holding her.

15 minutes later the nurse came out saying there was nothing they could do.  Naomi passed out. 

3 hours later Naomi wakes up seeing Raven and Steven by her side. 

"She's gone?" Naomi asked shedding a tear.

"You want something to drink?" Steven asked not trying to see her pass out or hyperventilate.

A nurse comes in to check on her. "Ms.  Sanders you okay?  A nurse asked

She shakes her head no crying with tissue in Her hand.  "I should have been there"

"Don't talk like that" Raven said "Don't start blaming yourself"

"Raven it's only me. I have no one" She said

"I'm your sister.  You have me.  " Raven said

Naomi hugs Raven letting her go.  "Let me see her," Naomi said getting up. 

"Ms Sanders.  It's not a good idea right now" A nurse said

"I want to see her.  Please just let me"

"How about we let you see her as soon as you get yourself right?  As a mother, I don't want you to go see her and you pass out again. Understand I will let you at 6 on the dot.  I will be back in here. " The nurse said

Raven looks at Naomi seeing her sit down on the bed. "Okay," Naomi said

The next day

Walking out the the hospital Naomi has her head on Raven's shoulders. Raven stops turning her around. "Look at me," Raven said grabbing her face. "I don't care if we just met 2 seconds ago.  You got me.  I'll never leave you" Raven said kissing her forehead.

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