Chapter 9

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Isabelle Fernandina

I lazily pushed myself out of the bed as my ear can't take the noise that is coming from downstairs. I can hear my son screaming while someone is trying to play with him. Thanks goodness, it's Sunday. I don't need to go to the café since it's the day to spend with my son.

I headed towards the bathroom and did my usual morning routine. After staying in the bathroom for I don't know how long, I finally find myself infront of the mirror, combing my wet hair. I scanned myself in the mirror and smiled satisfactorily as I see how I dress. I am wearing a simple pink oversized t-shirt and paired it with black shorts. After I'm done checking out myself, I finally decided to head out of my room and went downstairs.

"Mommy!" shouts my son once his eyes landed on me.

I immediately opened my arms wide as I waited for my son to approach me. Ethan jumped on me as he tightly hugs me. I was just too thankful that my back is not yet aching and I'm able to stand firm to held him tight.

I kissed him on his cheeks and on his forehead. "Good morning baby! How's your morning?" I asked.

"Good mommy. Daddy is here!" he happily responded making me smile. A smile that didn't even reach my ear.

It's been a week now since the day Arthur showed up to confirm Ethan's identity. With Arthur's appearance, I immediately talked to my son and explained to him everything. I told him about his father's identity and he was happy about it.

The entire week that Ethan discovered about his father, he's been always active. It has been a week full of fun for Ethan and quite a curse for me. Fun for Ethan since Arthur has been pampering him with different kind of toys, maybe a small or a huge one. His father has been giving him all the things he wanted. Quite a curse for me since Arthur always finds fault at everything that I do for my son. He always has something for me.

"Again?" I whispered just enough for my son to hear.

"Yes mommy," he whispered back as we walked to the living room where they've been playing with his father.

"You're here," I said as I put Ethan down and sits on the sofa just across Arthur.

"Yes, want to spend more time with my son," says Arthur.

"Ethan and I is about to go out and have a mother and son bonding but because of your presence, we can set aside that routine," I simply said.

Arthur stared at me making me look away and focused on the floor like it's the most interesting thing on earth. "I can go with you," he responded making me look at him with pure curiosity.

"Are you sure?" I asked with raised eyebrow.

"Why? Are you afraid that you and your lover will not have alone time with my son?" he asked.

"Lover?" I curiosly asked making him show his signature smug smirk.

"Isn't that guy named Lander your lover? The guy who you were with the day before yesterday?"

Then I remembered that Arthur was here when Lander fetch me from my work the other day. That was the day that Lander arrived from his work trip from Korea. Well, as an architech, Lander travels a lot to earn.

"Ah, Lander is a friend of mine," I replied.

"Really? You allow your son to call your friend daddy?" he asked. I can hear a mixture of a bit of jealousy and anger from his tone.

"Why wouldn't I allow my son call the man who was present in his life during those times that we are down, daddy? I wouldn't I allow the man who showed pure love and acceptance to my son be called daddy?" I asked making Arthur's eyebrow furrow.

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