Chapter 4

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Isabelle Fernandina

After Arthur's unexpected visit to my café, I couldn't shake off the lingering emotions that swirled within me. Seeking solace, I decided to share my encounter with my best friend, Almira, during our regular Friday night catch-up at the café. It became a ritual for us to meet at the café and enjoy the aroma that fills the atmosphere.

As we sit in a cozy corner of the café, Almira sipped her latte, eager to hear the details about my encounter with my ex-husband. Since the time I informed her about it, she didn't stop sending me message and calling me. Now that we are sitting in the café, face to face, nervousness engulfed me. Concern etched on her face as she looked at me intently.

"So, how did it go? Seeing Arthur after all this time must have been quite a shock. For how many years, we never expected him to show his face again. Well, it's not that we can't bumped into him again but, come on. Seeing him again, here, in this café, I can't even tell whether it's planned or not," Almira said softly.

I took a deep breath, trying to gather my thoughts. I knew that I could trust Almira with my deepest fears and concerns.

"It was... complicated. When he was here, I felt like I've seen a dead person who comes back to life. Mix emotions has eaten my whole being. I was just too thankful that I'm able to control myself from saying things I would regret later," I replied, my gaze fixed on her cup of tea. "He seemed surprised to see me doing well, almost pleased. But then he dismissed our past as if it meant nothing."

Almira reached out and gently squeezed my hand. "I'm so sorry, Isabelle. I can't imagine how difficult that must have been for you. We both know that you can't just let him come back to you. I mean, you can't just let him have you back if that's the reason why he showed all of a sudden."

I nodded, my eyes welling up with tears. "It brought back so many memories that we shared, Almira. It made me question everything. Especially now that he - Oh my gosh, I don't know what to do," I said as I let my tears roll down my cheeks.

Almira's face softened with understanding. "You made the right decision, Isabelle. You deserve happiness, and you deserve someone who will appreciate and cherish you. A lot of men are courting you and they're all willing to accept who you are and all the people that you love. Give yourself a break and run after your happiness."

I felt a mixture of relief and gratitude wash over me as I hear those words from my friend. I know that Almira would be there for me, but hearing my friend's unwavering support meant the world to me. She's not just a friend who always lends her shoulder to me through thick and thin. She's a sister who always have time for me.

"But, what about your son, Ethan?" Almira asked gently. "Have you thought about how this might affect him?"
That's what I'm thinking. That's what makes everything complicated.

A pang of guilt crept into my heart as I see my son's face in my imagination. I know that I couldn't shield Ethan from the truth forever, but I had hoped to delay the painful conversation until he was older. I know, Ethan, is a smart boy and can now understand things happening around him but it's still not the right time to tell him who his father is.

"I've thought about it," I admitted, my voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "I want to protect Ethan from all this, but at some point, I'll have to tell him. That his parents aren't together anymore. That we are living in different houses."

Almira's eyes softened with compassion. I can see that in her eyes. I know that even her, know how hard is it for me to be in this situation. "Isabelle, you've always been a wonderful mother. You have to trust your instincts and do what's best for your son. Ethan may have questions, but your love and guidance will help him navigate through it all. He is a smart man. I know that he'll surely understand what is happening."

I gave her a small smile, grateful for my friend's reassurance. "You're right, Mira. I can't shield him from reality forever. I'll be honest with him when the time is right. But for now, I want to make sure that his world is filled with love and stability. I can only provide that to him by being a good mother to him."

Almira nodded, her support unwavering. "You're an incredible mother, Isabelle. I have no doubt Ethan will grow up to be a remarkable young man, just like his mom. Well, it's in his blood since both his parents are gifted but he is more like you not his father," she said making me smile. Almira really hates Arthur.

"You really hate Arthur that much," I commented as I take a sip from my cup of coffee.

"I'll never say no to that. I do hate him. If he'll never regret what he did to you, then, he'll never have my forgiveness until his last breath," Almira replied making me shake my head.

"Come on. We also need to forgive and forget," I said making her raise an eyebrow.

"Don't tell me that you have forgiven him?" she asked.

"Of course not but I know and believe that one day we'll be on that stage. I know that for the sake of my son, I'll forgive him. I can't deny the fact that he is the reason why I have Ethan with me," I replied making her nod.

"Actually, you have a point. But then, you shouldn't let him fool you again. Never ever let him have you and Ethan until he'll learn and realize all his mistakes. I don't want to see you crying again just because of him." 

"Nah, there's no way that he'll ask us to be with him again. I know that he is already happy to have Diane by his side."

"You really think they're still together?"

"Yes," I replied without any hesitation.

Almira nodded. "A woman's instict is always right. Of course, he'll never leave you if he is not with another woman. To think that the woman he is with right now is someone who is kind of a - uhm - whore? Ugh, I hate them," Almira said.

"Let's just stop talking about him. You know, I could always be happy by just having my son and all of you who loves me by my side," I replied. Almira nodded before we continued drinking our coffee.

"Speaking of who loves you, did Lander call you?"

A small smile crept on my lips as I hear Lander's name. "He just called me a while ago and I'm happy that he'll be coming back home early for he is done with one of his projects," I happily replied as I talk about Lander.

"Do you think he is the one for you? It's been almost two months since he finally had the courage to confess about his feelings for you," says Almira making me smile.

Lander is my cousin's, Jimson, friend. He is one of those people who showed support to me during the hardest time in my life. Because of his unwavering support and care, I became friends with him. He even became my son's godfather. Now, after how many years of being friends, he finally confessed his feelings for me. I didn't give him an answer yet because I wanted to focus on my son and I wanted to make sure that I already fixed myself and feelings before making a decision that I will soon regret.

"I don't know. I can't answer your question."

"Is it because you still have feelings for your ex-husband?"

I heaved a deep sigh. I know that my friend will tell me that I'm stupid if I tell her that I do still reserve a space in my heart for my ex-husband. A part of me is still hoping that Arthur will soon realize that I am important for him. That he also love me. A part of me hopes that I'll be having a complete family with my son's real father.

"I don't know Mira. I can't deny the fact that I still - I still have this same feeling for Arthur," I replied making her nod.

"That I can see. You know what Issa, your life without him is much more better. But, if Arthur will show regret and give you the love you and your son deserve, then I'll not stop you for choosing him. For now, I want you to focus on giving your son a happy and complete family whether be it with Arthur or Lander. Let both your mind and heart decide," says Almira that made me think even more. I just didn't say anything and silently think of what Almira said.

As we finished our drinks, I felt a renewed sense of strength and determination. With Almira by my side, I know that I could face whatever challenges lay ahead. I would continue to focus on my own healing, finding happiness in the present, and providing a loving and stable environment for my son, Ethan. Together, I and Almira would navigate the uncertain waters of the future, supporting each other every step of the way.


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