Exes and Oohs

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Moxxie holds a mug as Loona texts on her phone, Ezra reading a book, "You know, I checked the scale today." he inhales, "And it said I lost two pounds this week."

Loona looks at Moxxie, then rolls her eyes back to her phone.

"Right?" Ezra looks at him up and down in boredom.

Moxxie looks annoyed, "I. Am not. FAT!"

The front door is kicked open by a furious Millie as she stomps around the office, mumbling angrily, "Ooh! Such a fucking asshole! That little motherfucker. I just wanna take my finger up and shove it up his fuckin' little thing!" Upon coming up to the table, Millie slams her coffee cup on it disturbing Loona and scaring Ezra.

Millie then passes Loona and hits a button titled "Nut button!!" that summons a cardboard cutout of a human saying, "Hi! I'm a Hooman!" then throws a knife and lunges at said cutout.

Moxxie looks at her, disturbed, "Millie, honey. Is everything okay?" Millie hisses back at Moxxie in response, disturbing him even more, but she manages to calm down.

"Yeah. Just...bumped into an ex." Millie said as her tail twitches

"Oh! Oh..." Moxxie said

"He just kept going on about how he has money now, and "a bright future," and "a bigger cock"." Millie puts her knife away.

"Wait, what?" Moxxie asked

"Gross." Ezra said

Millie raises her voice, "Every time I see his stupid face, I can't help it! I just need to—" Millie punches the filing cabinet beside her in frustration. Blitzo enters the room on his phone shortly after.

"What the fuck is all this noise?" Blitzo asked as he and Violet came out of the office

"Yeah keep it down, we got a client!' Violet said

"Sorry, sir. I'll get this all cleaned-" Moxxie holds a photo of two imps in horse suits kissing, "what is this?"

"Uh, research! For science! Just put it back correctly, okay? Alphabetize them." Blitzo said

"Dude, what is it with you and horses?" Violet asked as they walked back into their office.

Blitzo sits the phone on the table and puts it on the speaker, "Okay, so let me get this straight: you don't want us going to Earth at all for this job?" Blitzo asked

Inside of a mansion, with a businessman holding a lit cigar, and his chair facing a green fireplace, "Correct. That will not be necessary. I'd like to meet you and your whole crew at my estate."

"Uh, you want us killing someone in Hell. 'Cause I got to tell ya, that ain't exactly our business anymore." Violet said

"I'll tell ya all about it when you get here. It's in regards to a business venture I'm sure will be very worth your time." the client said

"Ooh, how ominous. Fine, whatever, what's the address?" Blitzo said

"Transportation has already been taken care of." The client said

Blitzø notices a helicopter in front of his building. He runs to the office the others are in to find the helicopter before the main window, "What the fuck is that?" the helicopter shoots a grappling hook under the window, breaking the wall, "Satan's ass crack! Enough with the walls, shit, we have a door!" he gestures to the door as a gust of wind blows all the photos he had away, "My research!!"

Two imp children grab one of the photos and are visibly disgusted; one is crying, and the other is vomiting from the result.

The helicopter approaches Blitz, creating a bridge for them to walk upon, and the pilot steps out.

Helluva Boss: Violet MagneWhere stories live. Discover now