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Today When you leave home for university, there is a different smile on your face. After thinking many times, you have decided that you will not let the past ruin your today. You will tell your heart's feelings to the boys.

You were walking on the road, the sun is shining and a light breeze is caressing your hair. There is a crowd on the road, some people are going to office and some are going to college.

You were walking peacefully, enjoying your surroundings, when you see a stall. There was a lady selling cute small things, like chain, teddy and rings.

You went there and start looking at the stuff. Your eyes fall on a key chain which has a lock and a key. You pick it up and start looking at it.

" Oh! I see you pick up the promise lock, it's currently popular among couples. You can give it to your someone special and lock a promise with them." The seller lady said smiling.

You smile back at lady and says "Can I get a seven locks with one key??" You requested. The lady gave you a confused look but gave you your stuff.

You paid for stuff and bow to lady and continue your way to university.

You reach the university and look for the boys, they were standing near your locker, waiting for you.

Your smile grows bigger at the sight of them and you make your way over to them.

" Good morning!! Guys." You wished brightly. Boys look at you confused but smile seeing you happy.

" What got you so happy today?" Taehyung ask.

you shake your head and answer. " why can't i be happy without any reason." You smile.

"Guys I want to tell you something, can we meet in rooftop at lunch time??" You says looking all of them.

The boys agreed and you all went to your classes.

Later at rooftop

You were on the rooftop, nervously waiting for the boys. It seems as if your heartbeat is ringing in your ears.

You take a deep breath and prepare yourself. " Okay Y/n!!, you can do it." You motivate yourself.

You haven't decorated the ceiling much, just a few memorable photos with you and the boys, pasted on the walls and a bouquet on the table.

" What if the boys didn't like my decoration, they had decorated the garden so beautifully for me that day and I only-" You put a full stop to your thoughts and speak to yourself.

"My feelings matter more to my boys, this decoration will not make any difference to them." You convince yourself not to overthink anything.

You were so busy talking to yourself that you don't hear the sound of the door opening.

" Y/n!!" Seokjin calls you and you get startled.

You quickly turn towards them and shyly tuck your hair behind your ears, thinking they saw you talking to yourself.

" OO gosh that's so embarrassing!!" You scream internally.

" Oh You are here. What a surprise. " you speak nervously looking everywhere.

" Y/n It was you who called us here. " Yoongi says matter of fact.

You face plam yourself mentally for acting like a completely idiot and smile at them. " Yeah, your right!! I was the one who called you here." Said you and took a deep breath collecting your courage.

"Actually yesterday evening when I sat near my window- my window ' You stumble with your words.

" Near your window, then" Hoseok repeated.

You make eye contact with everyone and open your mouth but your voice does not come out.

" Y/n, after that what" Namjoon asks you.

You hear your heart beating so hard that you feel as if your heart will come out of your rib cage.

" When I sat near the window-uhh my window, my view was very good, I did not know that such a good view was visible from my room." You blabbed, nervously laughing.

The boys look at you with blank expressions and Yoongi speaks. "You called us on the roof to tell us this."

" Yes - Oh NO NO" You yell.

" Come on they are not gonna bite you, you can do it. Y/n " You chant  in your mind.

" you come with me." You tell the boys and take them to where you have decorated.

Boys look around in surprise, Jungkook walks over to a photo where you're all smiling with ice cream in your hands.

" Do you remember you guys said that you will wait for my answer. I think - no!! I know what my answer is." you say with sincerity.

Boys' hearts start beating faster, it feels as if time has stopped.

" So what is your answer??" Jimin asks, his voice trembling with nervousness, but there is also hope in it.

You open your mouth to answer but your phone starts ringing, you cut the call and were about to speak again but your phone continues to ring.

When you check your phone, Chae-won's name is written on it.

"Chae-won never calls continuously, has something happened?" You wonder and answer the call.

" Hello!! Chae-won" you speak.

" Y/n!! Come to the -come to the infirmary room, I am in a lot of pain, please come quickly." Chae-won cried from other side.

You get worried, hearing her crying. " Chae-won relax!! I am coming. OK. don't cry. I'll be there in minute." you calm her down and hang up.

" What happened. Is everything fine?" Taehyung asks seeing you hurrying.

You look at the boys and put the phone in your pocket. " Guys, I'm sorry but I have to go now. I'll see you later" You say running towards the door.

" Bu- but" Jungkook speaks but by then you have already left.

You quickly run down the stairs and hurried towards the infimary.

You reach outside the infotainment and open the door and went inside.

"Chae-won" You call out and walk over to her bed. She was sitting on the bed and the nurse was bandaging her leg.

When you call her, she looks at you.    " Y/n !!"

"What happened, what are you doing here and how did you hurt your leg?" You fire questions out of worry.

" No need to worry, she just sprained her feet." The nurse tells you after seeing you worried. After the nurse applies the bandage, she leaves and you sit next to Chae-won.

" Are you okay? How did you get hurt?" you ask in concern.

" I slipped on the stairs and twisted my leg. Im sorry I disturbed you, I was in a lot of pain at that time so I called you" Chae-won says in a small voice.

You put your hand on her shoulder and say. " No problem, you can call me anytime, we are bestfriend." You hug her gently. " I was worried when I heard you crying in pain, I thought something had happened to you." You sigh in relief.

Happy new year guys!!! I hope that your year 2024 is full of happiness and success. May you achieve every milestone in life.

Lots of love from me
Be happy and

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