Something is wrong

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You groan, holding your head and taking a sip of your coffee.

You are sitting in the café right now. When you woke up in the morning you saw that you were in the boys' house. You didn't want to disturb anyone, so you leave a note on the table and left.

You looked at your watch, you still have half an hour to go to university so you ordered pancakes for breakfast.

You enter the university and start walking towards the locker.

All the students are whispering something among themselves. You ignore them, thinking that there must be some gossip going on like usual and go towards class.

When you reach class, you see that Mi-cha's seat is vacant, usually Mi-cha reaches class before you.  you remember yesterday, when you saw Mi-cha tense.

" is she okay?? " you thought to yourself.

You sit in your seat and call Mi-cha, but your call goes into voice recording again and again.

" Where are you girl?” you grumbled.

The classroom door opens loudly, Jungkook enters the classroom and looks for someone. Jimin and Taehyung also come from behind him and after seeing you, they move towards you.

You see them coming towards you and they looks somehow worried.

" Y/N you're here, we've been looking for you for so long." Jimin says panting.

Seeing him panting, you give him your water bottle, which he accepts with a small thanks.

" Why were you looking for me?" You say confused.

" Because you - you left without informing us in the morning. so we were worried." Taehyung replies looking everywhere but you.

"Is there any problem?" you ask looking at the three of them. You felt there's something they're not telling you.

" you didn't look at University page, did you?? " jimin asked worriedly

" No but wh- " you started but cut off

Suddenly Jungkook comes to you, he grabs your hand and makes you stand up from your seat.

" "Let's bunk class." Jungkook states and pulls you out of the class without you answering. Halfway through, he realizes that he is practically dragging you, so he reduces his speed and apologizes to you.

When you all reach the roof, you see that the other four are also present on the roof. When you raise your eyebrows in a questionable manner, Yoongi brushes you off by saying that today they are celebrating bunk day, And since you are also their friend, so you have to celebrate with them.

" Bunk day really!! "You speak without expression.

Before you could say anything else, Hoseok interrupts you, "Oh Y/N! Look how many snacks Seokjin hyung has made." he pulls you away.

" What's up with them today dragging me everywhere " you thought.

You all sit together playing card games and eating snacks.

" I don't want to play cards anymore" spoke jimin while throwing his card at taehyung who is laughing.

" Your saying that because you didn't win for even one time " taehyung state while laughing.

Jimin just turned his head towards you and said "Y/N why don't you tell us about yourself. We are friends but we don't know anything about you."

" well nothing except that you're afraid of bikes. " he teased.

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