Chapter 113: The More, the Merrier

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After the neighbors had finished their meal, Stockholm Syndrome made them feel grateful to Zhang Yi. At this moment, Zhang Yi assured them that they could return to normal life, free from constant anxiety. Their morale was instantly boosted.

"What's there to hesitate about? Let's do it!" "I don't want to live this life anymore. As long as we can have a normal life, I'm willing to risk my life for it!"

Seeing the morale uplifted, Zhang Yi slowly stood up from his chair.

"All right, next, I'll assign tasks to each person."

They were about to face the tough individuals from the other 29 buildings in the neighborhood. Adequate preparation was essential to ensure Zhang Yi's safety—others could die, but they had to buy enough time for Zhang Yi to return to the safe house.

In the unit, aside from Zhang Yi and Uncle You, there were 28 available individuals. Zhang Yi assigned Li Chengbin and Jiang Lei to lead a team of eighteen people to guard the entrance on the fourth floor.

The entrance on the fourth floor was rigged with traps, leaving only a narrow passage for entry and exit. The sides were filled with various electronics and equipment. If someone attacked, they could only enter through the narrow passage. In other words, no matter how many people came, they could only enter one by one, essentially walking into their deaths.

For a forceful assault, they would need a significant number of people to clear the debris blocking the windows, but that would take a considerable amount of time.

Therefore, even if people from the other 29 buildings suddenly launched an attack during negotiations, Zhang Yi could use that time to eliminate everyone on-site and calmly leave.

On the other side, Uncle You led ten people to maintain order on the thirteenth floor. The manpower left by Zhang Yi was mainly for show. After all, even if 29 people came, Zhang Yi could wipe them all out in this open space.

Everything was within his plan.

After arranging everything, Zhang Yi waited for the arrival of the other party.

The agreed-upon time was 2:30 in the afternoon. However, everyone was anxious, so after 2:00, people began emerging from other units one after another, like a swarm of ants crawling out of an anthill.

On the white ground, the black figures increased significantly. The snowfall today was smaller than usual, but the wind seemed stronger.

Zhang Yi sat by the window on the seventh floor, witnessing the scene below.

"So many people..."

He sneered, taking out his phone from his pocket and sending a message in the building's group chat.

"Everyone stay away from me, or you won't make it here today."

After saying this, he put away his phone and took out a sniper rifle from his spatial storage, placing it at his feet and using a table as cover.

Then, he shouted outside, "Uncle You!"

Uncle You came in, holding a sturdy pry bar. "Zhang Yi, what's the plan?"

Zhang Yi said, "There are quite a few people coming, and I'm afraid those guys won't be able to handle the situation. Go over there! Don't worry; I'll provide firepower support here."

Uncle You glanced outside and his pupils tightened. Nevertheless, he nodded firmly. "Okay, I'll handle it!"

After Zhang Yi's message was sent, the footsteps of those people did not stop. However, they halted about five meters away from Building 25.

Zhang Chengbin and Jiang Zhe and others saw so many people, and each one couldn't help but feel a chill down their spines. If so many people rushed over, even with the advantage of the terrain, they could only delay for a while. In a real fight, they were undoubtedly doomed.

"So many people, how do we block them?" "Weren't they supposed to come for negotiations? They don't look like they're here for that!" "They're clearly here to wipe us out!"

The neighbors guarding the fourth floor felt an icy chill in their hearts and didn't know how to respond.

At this moment, a calm voice came from the stairs.

"What's the panic! If they wanted to attack, they would have charged already."

Uncle You calmly walked down with the pry bar in hand. Seeing Uncle You, everyone felt a bit more at ease. After all, his formidable combat power was evident to all.

Li Chengbin frowned, "Uncle You, there are too many people! Aren't the whole neighborhood's residents surrounding us? How do we fight?"

Others also looked frightened, casting pleading glances at Uncle You.

Uncle You had to comfort them, "You don't need to worry. They're not targeting you; they're pressuring Zhang Yi to compromise during negotiations."

"Besides, what are you afraid of? Think about it. Is there anything worth their attention in you guys?"

Uncle You clarified the interests involved, easing the tension among the group.

Indeed, they had nothing valuable on them. What was the point of others coming to make a big show?

Their target was Zhang Yi, and they weren't even worthy of attention.

For the first time, everyone felt fortunate for their insignificance.

At this moment, the crowd suddenly fluctuated.

The crowd split into several paths, and five people walked out in the midst of the crowd.

These five people were Huang Tianfang from Building 26's Tianhe Gang, Wang Qiang from Building 21's Wolf Gang, Li Jian from Building 18's Harmony Homes, Chen Yuling, the building manager of Building 9, and Zhang Yunian, the building manager of Building 5.

The five of them came to the front of Building 25 with confident expressions on their faces, especially Wang Qiang, a street-smart youth of twenty-two, exuded an air of arrogance.

Behind him was a large army of over a thousand people, giving him a sense of grandeur. Faced with Zhang Yi, he felt like he was dealing with a small figure.

In their eyes, the negotiations today were a sure win for them.

Wang Qiang smirked, "Did you see those people? Just seeing our numbers has probably scared them to death."

Huang Tianfang, with his thin, yellow face, also wore a smug smile.

"Zhang Yi has probably gone to change his pants by now. Any conditions we propose, he won't dare refuse!"

Facing thirty against over a thousand, they couldn't think of how they could lose!

In their eyes, Zhang Yi should obediently follow their orders.

Li Jian pushed his glasses, appearing modest, but there was also a hint of pride and confidence in his eyes.

Being able to organize a team of over a thousand people was something unimaginable in the past.

At this moment, they felt like ancient generals, commanding thousands of troops and horses.

Chen Yuling crossed her arms, her face filled with pride.

"Don't just stand there. It's cold outside. Let's go in and talk to Zhang Yi. Inform him about the finalized agreement from yesterday, and let him accept it."

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