Chapter 100: A Swift Kill!

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After passing the man with his motorcycle, Zhang Yi looked back. Despite the snow cushioning his fall, the weight of over 400 kilograms pressed on him, causing him to cough up blood. Zhang Yi shot him from behind, putting an end to his suffering, and continued to pursue the others at a leisurely pace.

He wanted to know where these people came from. If they wanted to harm him, they had to pay the price! The direction in which the remaining few were fleeing seemed to be towards Building 21, the territory of the Wolf Gang.

On the seventh floor of Building 21, the leader of the Wolf Gang, Wang Qiang, and the vice leader, Xiao Lu, watched the scene unfolding before them, feeling their hearts bleed. They had prepared for this robbery for many days, knowing Zhang Yi's travel route and schedule, and had sent ten subordinates to ambush him. They thought this plan was foolproof, but they hadn't accounted for Zhang Yi's excellent marksmanship and the abundance of bullets in his possession.

Not only did they fail to kill Zhang Yi and take his snowmobile, but they also lost their men, and Zhang Yi was now coming for them. Trouble was brewing!

Wang Qiang said, "Quick, gather everyone at the entrance, set up traps, and be cautious of the gun in his hands!"

Xiao Lu nodded, "Don't worry, we've arranged the corridor well. If he dares to come in, we can kill him right here. The result will be the same anyway!"

Their words sounded tough, but their feet were slowly retreating. They dared not appear in front of the windows, knowing that Zhang Yi had a gun and, worse, a sniper rifle. Showing their heads meant certain death!

In Building 21, the Wolf Gang members, hiding in the shadows, anxiously huddled in the corridor, praying that Zhang Yi wouldn't come in.

Outside, Zhang Yi continued to leisurely chase the remaining Wolf Gang members, effortlessly eliminating them one by one with precise shots. The last one ran towards Building 21, but before reaching the entrance, the roar of Zhang Yi's motorcycle filled his ears.

Zhang Yi glanced at the dark rooms in front of him. He knew the Wolf Gang members were definitely lying in ambush. Not using the gun this time, he took out the Damascus steel hunting knife he had bought earlier.

This weapon was designed for cutting through wild animals, exceptionally sharp. Zhang Yi had never used it to harm a person before.


The hunting knife sliced across the man's neck unexpectedly smoothly. The sound of blood splattering was like the rustle of wind. A head soared high into the air before landing on the ground.

In Building 21, the Wolf Gang members hidden in the darkness witnessed this scene, feeling a chill down their spines. The ten brothers they sent were all killed by Zhang Yi!

Zhang Yi parked the snowmobile, got off, picked up the severed head from the ground, and threw it into a room on the fourth floor. The head rolled for a few turns before stopping, the lifeless eyes staring at the people inside.

Building 21, the Wolf Gang members hiding in the dark, saw this scene and couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. Their ten brothers sent out had all been killed by Zhang Yi!

Zhang Yi stopped outside Building 21, knowing there were traps and ambushes inside. He wasn't going to put himself in a dangerous situation. However, letting the Wolf Gang members go felt too lenient.

At this moment, the sound of gunshots alarmed everyone in the community, including those in Building 25. Uncle You and Li Bin, who were on duty, led a group of people armed with weapons to support Zhang Yi.

"Zhang Yi, what's going on? How did you end up fighting with them?" Uncle You asked angrily.

Zhang Yi glanced at them and said indifferently, "They ambushed me outside, and I killed all of them."

From outside the community to Building 21, there were ten corpses lying along the way, blood staining the snow, a striking sight.

Uncle You shouted in anger, "These damn bastards, so cunning!" He turned to the others and said, "If something happens to Zhang Yi, our food source will be cut off, and none of us will survive! Everyone, be on alert!"

The group of people, upon hearing Uncle You's words, was shocked and realized the seriousness of the situation.

Zhang Yi waved to them, "Go back first, and gather everyone for me!"

The group immediately returned to Building 25 and called all the residents.

Zhang Yi's expression was stern. His mood was exceptionally bad at the moment. He wasn't afraid of being ambushed; such things were unavoidable in the apocalypse. He was well-prepared and armed with equipment and a sniper rifle.

But he was angry because he knew someone from Building 25 must have leaked information to the Wolf Gang. For safety reasons, he kept his daily outings unpredictable, but today they had set up an ambush successfully.

Ambushing him in this weather, even buried in the snow, wouldn't last more than half an hour, considering the temperature. But today, those people had just happened to ambush him.

There were no such coincidences in the world. It meant that someone inside had informed the Wolf Gang of his whereabouts. Zhang Yi wasn't furious about being betrayed; he understood that his neighbors were no saints. If the benefits were enough, betrayal was inevitable.

He simply wanted to kill the person who leaked the information.

However, in the entire Building 25, almost every person had the potential to commit such an act, and he didn't know who did it.

In that case... treat everyone equally!

Inside Building 21, the Wolf Gang was on high alert, fearing that Zhang Yi might launch a counterattack. They had barricaded themselves in the corridor, ready for a fierce battle.

After a while, Zhang Yi spoke coldly, "People from Building 21 tried to kill me. If I die, none of you will survive. So, they want to kill me, which means they want to kill you all! We must eliminate them all!"

"Uncle You, come with me this time. The rest of you will be led by Li Chengbin in a formal attack on Building 21!"

"Killing one person earns ten people's worth of food as a reward!"

Upon hearing Zhang Yi's reward, the crowd couldn't help but be tempted. Many regretted not having the chance to contribute the previous night and were now eager to prove themselves.

However, there were dissenting voices, "Is it a good idea to go now? They are definitely on guard against revenge. It might be better to wait until night for a sneak attack."

Zhang Yi looked at them; it was Guo Dahai, a Mediterranean-looking man, who spoke. He then pointed to Uncle You and said, "Moreover, Uncle You is our main force. It's better for him to stay behind."

Hearing Guo Dahai's words, everyone felt reasonable, and many whispered in agreement.

"Yeah, even for revenge, it's better to sneak in at night."

"Is Zhang Yi blinded by anger right now? He should calm down."

"Uncle You has strong combat power; he should be the main force."

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