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As you worked on your daughter's hair, Taehyung was bustling around in the kitchen, preparing a delicious breakfast for the family.

Hans- Mom, I'm nervous.

You paused for a moment, considering the best way to ease her worries.

Y/n- It's completely normal to feel nervous, sweetheart. School is a new experience, but it's also a fun one. You'll make new friends and learn so many exciting things.

Taehyung joined the conversation, emerging from the kitchen with a tray of beautifully cooked pancakes.

Y/n- You're spoiling us with all this yummy food, Taehyung.

Taehyung- Anything for my two favorite girls on a special day!

Taehyung- And I'll be there to pick you up this afternoon. We'll hear all about your first day in kindergarten!

Your daughter's eyes brightened at the mention of her father's presence.

Hana- Promise?

Taehyung grinned and placed a plate of pancakes in front of each of them.

Taehyung- Cross my heart and hope to fly. I'll be there without fail.

After finishing a heartwarming breakfast together, the family packed their bags and headed to the car. Taehyung fastened your daughter into her car seat, while you sat in the driver's seat.

Y/n- Alright, little princess, are you ready for this big adventure?

Hana-Yes, Mom. But promise me you won't cry when you drop me off.

Taehyung leaned forward, pretending to be offended.

Taehyung- Hey now, what about me? I might cry too!

Hana- Okay, Dad, you can cry too. But only a little.

As they arrived at the school, a throng of parents and children filled the campus.

Your heart swelled with nervousness. Holding your daughter's hand tightly, you pushed through the crowd, searching for her classroom.

With a gentle pat on the back, Taehyung encouraged your daughter to join the other children and explore the colorful classroom.

You and Taehyung watched as she walked into the classroom, her tiny hand gripping tightly onto her classmate's hand.

Taehyung took your hand, squeezing it gently.

Y/n- I can't believe our little princess is starting school.

Taehyung- Yeah, time flies, doesn't it? Our baby girl is growing up so fast.


You and Taehyung made your way to the kindergarten, joining the excited group of parents waiting outside.

When your daughter spotted you both, her face lit up, and she ran towards them, tiny arms outstretched. You scooped her up, showering her with kisses and hugs.

Taehyung- How was your first day, sweetie?

Taehyung asked, his eyes brimming with pride. Your daughter grinned mischievously. 

Hana- It was the best day ever! I made a new friend named Lucy, and we played on the swings during recess, and the teacher read us a funny story!

You and Taehyung laughed, relieved and overjoyed that your daughter had a wonderful first day. As you guys walked hand in hand back to the car, you relished in the happiness and new adventures awaiting them in this new chapter of your lives.

As you guys returned home after picking your daughter from school, she bounded through the door and dropped her backpack by the entrance. She seemed excited and animated, her eyes shining with anticipation.

Hana- Mummy, daddy, guess what? Lucy mommy just had a baby! Now she has a little sister! Can I have a sibling too?

You exchanged a glance with Taehyung and saw a mischievous smirk on his lips. You knew exactly what he was thinking.

He loved teasing you, and bringing up the topic of having another child was one of his favorite tricks.

You took a deep breath, trying to distract her.

Y/n- Well, sweetheart, let's go play with your toys for now. We can talk about it later.

She happily skipped away, clutching her favorite stuffed toy, leaving you alone with Taehyung in the living room.

As you sat next to each other on the couch, Taehyung pulled you close, his arms wrapping around you in a warm embrace.

Taehyung- Don't you think it's time we give our daughter the gift of a sibling? (he whispered into your ear, his breath tickling your skin.)

You playfully hit his arm, a playful expression crossing your face as you feigned annoyance.

Y/n- Taehyung, don't even start! Our hands are full with one child!

(You said trying to hide the blush that was creeping onto your cheeks)

Taehyung- Come on, babe. Imagine all the chaos and cuteness. Our daughter would have someone to play with, grow up with.

Y/n- I guess it's time to start planning for baby number two then. 

Taehyung leaned in and planted a sweet kiss on your lips. The spark between you ignited instantly, and you found yourself melting into his touch.

Without breaking the kiss, Taehyung gently laid you down on the bed, his eyes locked with yours, filled with love and desire.

Unable to resist any longer, you wrapped your hands around his neck and kissed him back with the same passion.

The intensity grew between you as your lips moved perfectly in sync with one another. 

As the kisses deepened, Taehyung pulled away for a moment to catch his breath.

His lips traveled down to your neck and collarbones, leaving gentle and affectionate marks along the way. The sensation sent shivers down your spine, and a soft gasp escaped your lips.

Just at that moment, the sound of your daughter's voice broke through the passionate haze.

Startled, both of you looked towards the doorway, where your daughter stood, her innocent eyes wide with surprise.

Hana- Mummy, Daddy, what are you doing? (she asked innocently

You and Taehyung exchanged a panicked glance, trying to compose yourselves. Taehyung, always quick on his feet, spoke up, his voice slightly shaky.

Y/n- Oh, sweetie, Daddy was just giving Mommy a massage. Isn't that right, Taehyung?

Taehyung- Yes, that's right, sweetheart. Just a massage.

Your daughter seemed satisfied with the answer, and with a mischievous grin, she turned and left the room, leaving you both in a state of relief and suppressed laughter.

As the giggles finally erupted, you found yourselves sharing a moment of pure joy and connection. It was during these chaotic and unexpected moments that your love for each other only grew stronger.


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