Charli's Past

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Charli's POV:

Lights flashed. An applause erupted. The conductor gave the gesture to start the song with a wave of her hand and I waited for her to cue the clarinet's in. I wasn't scared about being in the first row and or playing the first part in front of a crowd of hundreds; I was more scared of what my parents would think. Nothing I did was never good enough for them; to prove myself to them- even making it into the best orchestra in town and achieving impossible grades. All for them to notice me and to be proud of me. But that would never come- yet I always strived to push myself to prove to them that I was the kid they wanted. Perfect grades; impossible achievements; being the best at everything- and they still scolded me for not living up to their expectations. While other kids my age were out having fun being kids, I was stuck being an adult, studying and practicing for something that would never come.

"Demi! You came!" I shouted as I saw my aunt waiting next to my parents and ran to her, giving her a koala bear hug.

"Of course, I came! I wasn't going to miss my little niece's first performance in the town's top orchestra! And to think your only thirteen!" She laughed, ruffling the top of my double braided hair; causing it to fizz up.

I was reluctant to let go; anytime I went to Demi's place she treated me like I was her own kid and spoiled me rotten. I could have almost anything I wanted, soft drink; fast food; I could watch anything I wanted on the tv. No endless hours of study or practicing; no days spent away from any technology that my parents determined I wouldn't need them. It was not like I had friends anyway.

"Any news on Charli's acceptance to Riptide high?" my mother asked.

"I told you Rose, just because I'm the principal I cannot automatically let her in to the school. And plus, since I am the principal, it's up to the selectors to decide. But she's welcome to stay overnight at my place if she wants." Howdy turned to me and said, "Would you like to stay at my place tonight?"

"NO. She has studying and practice to do. She can come over tomorrow when she has all her gear packed and finishes her homework." my mother said rather harshly.

I turned back to Demi and gave her my best pleading look; water was brimming behind my eyes, hoping she would see how mean they were being. Demi glanced at me and double take once she saw that I was on the verge of tears.

"Don't you think she's had enough work already? Charli's just played an hour-long concert and finished a stress full week of exams, and you want her to study for things months away!" Auntie Demi was furious.

If only she knew they did this 24/7 behind closed doors of our house.

"Demi, she is my child."

"You're treating her like she's some...... person you can control into being better than you. Let her be a kid."

Mums tone turned vicious, "Don't you tell me how to treat my kid Dem! She. Is. Mine. Even though she may be your Niece." although staying below anything louder than a loud whisper.

Demitri Howards tone turned deadly, "It does not matter if she is yours's or mine! What should matter is that she is able to be a kid. Be. A. Teenager!"

From that day on I was somehow enrolled at Riptide high school and sent off by my too proud and naive parents without much as a goodbye. Demi greeted me at the gates and took me to my dorm.

She helped me settle in for the day and told me, "It's alright. They can't hurt you now, be that kid I know you want to be." while I bawled my eyes out until they hurt as I sat in her lap; wrapped up in her protective arms.

"Although don't be a gremlin for me. Hey?" she added, tickling my sides a little causing my hiccupped sobs to turn into laughter.

I fell asleep in her arms that night. 

And for the next week I found myself falling asleep in her embrace; in her ever-comforting presence.

My morning breakfast was interrupted by a cheerful aunt, "You know the house you're moving into for Uni this morning? You've got four new roommates. Please, please try to be friendly."

"Demmmiiiii!" I cried quietly and Howdy gave me a glare "Howie! You know I don't like socialising." I complained, using the nickname I had called her since I was little.

"Try to be nice at least."

"Howie! People are staring!" I hissed; my face becoming flushed, and I sunk lower in my chair.

And with that she was gone. I wouldn't admit it to her, but she had been more of a mother than my actual mother over the last four years.

Jaimie I could deal with, even though she was a bit boisterous. Alexandra; Ember and Elijah were a handful too. But after yesterday's events I could tell that these friends would never desert me. Friends. I had friends. Climbing the all too familiar spiral staircase to my aunt's office and dormitory I smiled at the thought.

"Howie! What is it this time?" I whined as I opened the door without knocking. Even if it was locked, I still could get in; after all, on my necklace was three keys.

One for the house; one for her house; and one for her office.

There was my aunt; twirling in her chair. Demi was the younger sister by two years of my mother; making her thirty-two but she looked like a twenty-year-old at most. The only two things we had in common was our same-coloured hair and height- albeit save a few specs of grey in my turquoise eyes. My dad had green eyes with black hair and mum had amber eyes with greyish specs with the Howards trademark brown hair with blonde streaks. After mum had married dad and had me, I was automatically giving his last name. Steele.

"How are you doing? A little birdy told me that your teaching Alexandra ice hockey?" she asked, genuine concern plastered her face.

I grumbled and sat down on the bean bag next to her living quarters door; on the opposite site of being squashed by the opening door.

"You dragged me all the way up here for that?"

"Char." she sighed contemplatively "What have I told you about trying to prove yourself? You don't need to do that anymore! Your parents aren't here."

"Only until the end of the year." I snide remarked.

She spun in her chair to face me, "Char, I think it's time you start to tell them. Your parents need to know why you really don't come home during the breaks in between terms. And your almost eighteen. It's up to you but I would like to think about it for a while, give it a genuine think; but you can start to apply to live with me."

I gasped and my eyes darted to hers, "L- li- live with y- you."

"Yes. And then maybe you might just stop taking on too many things like captaining both hockey teams; doing multiple artworks for the centenary and helping prepare for it in many areas. Not to mention the bands and other subjects you spend hours of time on. Charli. Just go and have fun with your roommates. For once. Please; so, I don't have to stop worrying like an old grandma and growing grey hairs from stress."

I laughed and shot up, giving her a bone crushing hug.

Stopping just before I opened the door, I turned on my heal and said, "I think you mean my friends." I watched her face transform into a surprised and delighted expression as I turned and shut the door.

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