Turning South

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She ran out of breath and had exhausted herself from kicking and punching the monsters hand to let go of her but it just clung on, unimpresed by her attempts. But then something happened.

A green glow came from inside the fist Jaimie was in and to our surpirse the sespected minator dropped Jaimie straight away- but before she could hit the ground from atlwast a two story fall something appeared in her right hand and on her left wrist.

Shouting, she shoved the object into the other object on her wrist, "EARTH LINKED!" and before our eyes a bright flash of green blinded us momentarily and the monster to.

When we dared look again Jaimie was standing in front of a blinded Minotar........or- not Jaimie.

Instead of her exersisce T-shirt and cargo pants  with Converse was- almost like a viking outfit.

"LOOK OUT!" Charli screamed.

Now that the monster had its eyesight back albiet a bit blind it reached for Jaimie once again. With one giant leap backwards she avoided the clasp of the Minator and landed right infront of us.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!" she squealed, turning to us.

"Don't ask me!" I replied, confused as I studdied her new outfit "Your hair even changed colour too!".

Instead of her usual cocca brown hair she had black hair with emerald green running through it. It matched her eyes. Perfectly.

"Why did you shout Earth?......Linked? Like, that was rhe weirdest thing." Charli asked.

"I don't know, actually. It just popped into my head. Like it sounded in my head; like someone was saying it and  when I heard it the key- it started glowing." she showed us an actual key that looked like a sword with an emerald for a pomel.

"All I did was follow what my instinics were telling me to do. And viloà! After I pushed down on the cross guard it- bounced like a button and the key flipped. The blade extended and I rammed it into the thing that appeared on my wrist and boom!" Jaimie explained, gesturing to her new outfit.

If I didn't know or see Jaimie before I would not have known that was her.

She looked so different. It didn't look like a costume but more of an actual outfit the Viking's would have worn. Leather like breatchers. Medieval renaissance cross laced boots. A peice of artic fox fur was strapped around her collar bone and shoulders; its colours a mix of grey and black ranging to white. Then there was her hair. Midnight black hair with green highlights.

The Minator monster, thing, charged at us again. Jaimie jumped up to punch it in the chest and. As her fist conected the Minator fell to the ground, stumbling. She landed in front of us again with a cloud of grey smokeky dust.

"The hell!" Elijah shouted.

I turned around and he was on his arse getting back up, dusting it off.

"How did you manage to knock that thing down!" Charli exclaimed.

"I don't know! Again. I guess whatever this-" she held up her left hand and gestured to the thing on her wrist "-morpher thingie allowed me to do it. Like it's giving me power." she said, bewildered.

"Are you- you're saying; this 'morpher' thing gave you superpowers?" Ember said, in disbelief.

"Yes!" Jaimie said blatantly "yes, actually.".

"If you guy's are done arguing, than maybe we should foc-US ON THE FUCKING MONSTER GETTING CLOSER!" I shouted, gradually getting louder.

They pivoted around only to be met by a giant hand shooting towards them. There was nothing they could do. Except, for a flash of purple; blue; and red light. In the Minator's grasp was another three Jaimie's.

Well, all different colours. Charli had a red tunic with carmine red streaks throughout her caramel hair. Ember had violet tips to her black hair; some going higher than others. Elijah had Navy and azure blue streaks in his ash brown hair.

"Do something! Don't just stand there! It's going to the fricking rock!" I shouted once again.

Jaimie ran, she slid along the sand and kicked out its leg, slaming her foot into its shin; Eli jumped as high as he could snd socked it right square in the jaw. To finish it off, Charli slid underneath it, stopping when she eas fully behind its back and jumped, landing a powerful kick its back- sending it crashing to the ground in a heap of a dust cloud.

"WOOOOHOOO! We have superpowers!" Eli shouted as he jumped, somersaulted in mid air and landed in front of me "Oh! Well. Except you".

"Thanks Elijah!" I said, rolling my eyes.

"Sorry Alexandra".

"ELI! As much as I know your trying to rile me up to lighten the mood you can call me Alex you know".

"Sorry. But it worked."

I playfully punched him in the arm, hard.

"Barely hurt." he shrugged.

This time he wasn't actually joking.

"It's fine though".

"No. No it is not!"

"Alex. As much as we can't change what happens that's not going to change  anything about you helping or fighting with us " Em said.

"Yea! No matter if were friends or roomate's you're still staying beside us. Besid's, who else would we have cover for us?" Chalir joking said.

"Okay, guys. Cut cut the sappy bullshit." I laughed.

"Ale-" a deafining roar came from behind us all, the Minator was back up.

A hulking mass of fur and muscle was steaming its was over at the speed of a freight train. I stupidly pushed my way through and stood in front of them. I could hear their shouts of surprise and confusion.

In a flash of golden light around me, a morpher appeared on my wrist and a key in my hand. I remembered what Jaimie had said and followed her unintentional instructions. I pushed the cross guard in and the sword elongated. Then I slammed the key into the morpher that had appeared on my right hand.

Words sprung into my head like they had been a thought of my own.


"GALAXY LINKED!" I shouted.

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