Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: The nightmares

"Everin run!" My mother screeeched at me as I unbuckled my seat belt and crawled out the car with difficulty considering it had been flipped over

I winced as glass embedded itself in my skin

But the desperation in my mothers voice made me continue

"WHAT DO YOU WANT!? LEAVE MY DAUGHTER OUT OF THIS!" I stopped in my tracks as I turned around and watched a masked man with a gun in his hand trudge towards my mother

All he did was laugh loudly

When he picked his head up I noticed a tattoo of A masquerade mask
"You know exactly what I want have a pure blooded hakan and I want her, after all you for sure didn't inherit the golden blood...your last offspring did" the man said pointing at me

I didn't have a clue of what he was talking about

All I knew is he was approaching my defenseless mother quick and fast

I dashed towards where she was laying against the car, blood was gushing down an open wound on her stomach

My eyes widen but before I could get a word out I felt stuck

A force was somehow holding my body down in place

I could not move as tears streamed down my face the man had a dark look in his eyes

What terrified me was not the fact that he was holding me in place somehow as if he had powers but thats ridiculous or so I thought

What terrified me was the fact that his eyes were pitch black

Like a void you didn't want to ever see in your life

He stared at me like I was a prize

"NO DONT TOUCH HER!" My mother yelled and all of a sudden the force disappeared

The man turned his attention back on my mother "oh it seems your still a hakan at heart but since your not a pure blood your commands don't hold for very long at best she's got an hour" the man said laughing at my mothers distressed face as he froze in place

My mother looked at me desperately "Everin my sweet girl listen to me,  I need you to go to my room, and look under the floorboard in my closet you'll find a box, your necklace is the key...I need you to keep that box one day a message will appear in there and everything will make sense" she said struggling to say the words

" I don't understand what's happening!" I yelled frustrated at the situation and my mother slowly dying before my eyes

Her eyes softened as they fell over me " you need to run...he wants you sweetie but i swear he won't touch you I swear it with my life but you must run now!" I was stuck on whether to listen to her demand

Not having much choice I ran and ran until I made it into the woods
My feet getting cut by twigs and sharp rocks through the muddy ground

I ran until I reached a gas station and I heard my mothers voice whisper in my head "i love you...I'm always with you my sweet girl " I felt my blood turn black as if  a connection with her snapped and I could tell within me

She was gone...

I fell to my knees in the middle of that gas station while the owner shouted at me shaking my shoulders in shock at my state  trying to find out what had happened

He eventually called 911

But all I felt was the heartache of my moms death

I clutched my chest as if my heart was being ripped out

Just another nightmare is what I repeat every morning

But it's not

It's a memory turned to a nightmare

I remember being on the floor of that gas station being filmed as I the Blackwell daughter had grieved my mother for the whole world to see

No matter how many reporters or detectives came in to question me about that incident I kept my mouth shut

My father couldn't look at me the same after refusing to talk about how his wife died
Soon as time past they deemed it as a car incident and that I freaked out and ran looking for help

My brothers blame me for not staying with my mother to help stop the bleeding but they would never know what truly happened that night

They sent me away a problem with no solution is what they labeled me as

When in reality I was broken inside and that little girl died the day her entire family abandoned her

A monster had clouded my thoughts ever since then, pitch black eyes were the reason for every nightmare I would wake up from

My body would break out in Cold sweat and my heart would beat rapidly against my rib cage as if I was being haunted

Soon after the incident I remembered the box, that same wooden box I hid in the wall I had found under my mothers closet

Still there was no message I wonder if it'd appear after I die... ironically

After some years went by I understood half of that man's message from that night

Only I had trouble figuring out why he wanted me

I was a pure blooded hakan that was for sure

I was also confused about the golden blood

Either way I was determined on finding this man and killing him...

All I wanted was revenge and I had a feeling he had something to do with one of the five families

I will find out which one

And when I do they'll feel my wrath

The wrath of a girl whose mother has been taken away, whose father has been turned against her, whose brothers have betrayed her and whose body has abandoned her

They will feel my pain and my suffering if it's the last thing I ever do before I leave this earth

I never got to live the rest of my teenage years as a happy girl with happy parents and older brothers

My life was stolen and I'll steal the light away from their lives just like they did with me many years ago

Revenge is the worst power mankind could give a woman

Yet here I am

And you'll bet I'll rain hell down to find the truth behind every hidden secret starting with my dads new arm candy

Genevieve wannabe fucking Blackwell


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