Chapter 6

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I had woken up in the middle of night from another nightmare

Usually it ends with me having to run outside and take a breather or going to the gym or sometimes like tonight I just sit in bed and ponder over life

Mainly the life I used to have the life I was happy to have

Waking up every morning to sizzling bacon and pancakes sitting at the dinner table while my mom and dad danced to music

Me and my brothers fed up with there lovey dovey selfs

I run my hand through my hair and decide to get up even though it was 4 in the morning

I went towards my closet and pulled on a black hoodie and some sweatpants then slid on my slippers and pulled my hair into a high messy ponytail

I headed downstairs and exited the house quietly before taking my mask and shades out of my purse and placing it on my face

Noticing no guards in the clearing I dashed to the gate and hopped over with some difficulty

I walked down the street away from the estate and called an Uber which arrived in 10 minutes

A car pulled up and a guy with a mask rolled his window down "for rin?" I nodded before showing him my phone to which he then unlocked the doors and I slid in the back seats

"Where to?" He asked looking at me in the rear view mirror

"The closest tattoo shop still open" I said quietly but the silence was loud enough for him to hear me

He nodded and started driving away from the premises until soon we arrived to a shop with various art styles outside filled with colors and people's bodies tatted

I thanked the driver and gave him a tip "stay safe m'lady" I nodded as he drove away leaving me in the dark alley with only the street light that stood in front of shop giving off light

I walked towards the red colored door with butterflies painted on it and opened it. The smell of strong ink instantly throwing me off making me squint my eyes and scrunch my nose

"I didn't think I was gonna get another customer after 12 unless you happen to be drunk and this is gonna be another one where you wake up and it's a big ole' mistake and you didn't know what you were doing and try to sue me and bla bla just turn that pretty little ass around and walk right out "

said a masculine and deep voice from a room in the corner with the door slightly ajar.

It opened revealing a breathtaking man, he had a muscled body and stood around six feet and four inches. He had tousled brown hair with blonde highlights and art covered his arms from his chest which was bare displaying his abs for me to gawk over

And those eyes...the most beautiful pair of sapphire eyes I've ever laid eyes on were glazing over me. He looked stunned for a second and came closer when I noticed he had on a mask over his nose and mouth

which I couldn't see before from the darkness polluting every inch of this place and the only little light piercing through the windows from the outside street light

"Are you...drunk...pretty lady" he said lust running through his eyes.

I snapped out of it and feigned a cough "No I am certainly not drunk how dare you assume otherwise" I said straightening my posture that slightly melted at the god like man in front of me.

Amusement swam through those blue eyes as he stared into my own pair of silver ones " of apologies what brings you to get a tattoo at this time?" He said acting more semi professional. "My Thoughts...and my rash decisions" I said honestly rolling my eyes

He chuckled deeply "sounds enticing " he said sarcasm dripping of his voice. I scoffed as he turned around to switch the lights on. I looked around amazed at the place full of artistic vibes. It looked homey and welcoming as if someone's dreams came alive here.

I looked from the wall with many art styles to the painted canvases hung with many people smiling, art on different parts of there body. The walls were designed with waves and different bottles of ink were stacked up in the corner.

" take a seat here" he said motioning over to the salon bed up against the wall. I pursed my lips and headed towards it as I perched on the edge I looked at him as he got his supplies ready and brought a tray with ink And a needle gun and placed it on the table.

"So...what's your name" he ask pulling on black gloves over those large veiny hands.

"Do you need to know your client's name?" I asked curiously with sass while emphasizing greatly on the word need

"Well then Feisty Stranger what design would you like?"

Rolling my eyes at the nickname Adonis himself chose, my eyes flickered over the walls looking for inspiration until my mind clicked

"A crown on top of a swords mantle" I mumbled as my mind replayed the memories of when me and my brothers played guard the queens crown

A game consisting of one against many usually that one person was the queen and the others were the ones trying to steal the crown

Only we played with real ironed swords and an actual family heirloom crown

I was usually queen and my father made us play it every Monday in order to sharpen our skills if we were ever outnumbered. It made us observe our opponents and there weaknesses, thus we had all displayed our own talents each time we played

Father would never tell the rest what was one weakness and one strength of ours since it had belonged to us only and if we figured it out by ourselves then it would be right of us to hold knowledge over each other

Till this day none of my brothers figured out my weakness or strength...while I have figured out all of there's in each bloody battle they ever took part in.

I hold the game as a warm memory from all the times I lost and improved each time one of my brothers had swiped there legs from beneath me and taken my crown

After mastering the game I never let anyone touch my crown

The man's eyes twinkled with amusement as he took a seat down "where?" His deep voice echoed in through the silent room
"My back" I answered as I tugged my hoodie up to my shoulders and turned around flipping my legs into a cross cross applesauce so my back would face him

"Have you had tattoos before?" He questioned his voice deep and guttery I'd pay to listen to it every second

"Yea...I have some on my thighs and chest and a couple on my arms and wrist" I said again honestly like I was possessed
What the fuck are you doing my subconscious remarked loudly at me
I had no fucking clue why I told him all the places I had a tattoo but the man made me wanna get on my knees and submit to him while I blurt out all my sinful lies

"So your a tattoo nerd?" He asked while I heard him grab things and shake the ink bottle I presume
"If that's what you are then no. I'm more open to having the things I hold close to my heart painted on my body" I said feeling emotional and then mentally slapping myself for talking like I was possessed once again to the blue eyed beauty
I needed to shut the fuck up and stop telling this stranger my thoughts-

He chuckled making my heart tinge in a strange way " My bad princess it seems your more of a...beautiful canvas "

Before I could question him he placed his hand on my bare shoulder

I tensed under his touch as he gripped me gently "stay still this might sting..." my breath hitched as the needle made contact with my skin

'Father will kill me if he finds out..oh well it just adds to the fun' I thought as I grinned with mischief


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