❤️‍🩹10❤️‍🩹 : End

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"He's so tinyyy and cuteeee " says Shumaila to Uzair

Uzair smiled at his wife as he took a closer look at the newborn baby in Shumaila's arms, surrounded by the rest of the family. Zumaira had just given birth to a healthy baby boy and everyone was in awe of him.

Uzair took his nephew in his arms and smiled at Zumaira as she lay on her hospital bed, while Arwais stroked his wife's forehead, his eyes full of emotion. After a long and complicated journey, the couple had finally become parents.

"He's a gift from Allah, isn't he ?" Shumaila murmured with a smile to Uzair as she looked at the baby.

Uzair looked at his wife and nodded, happy for his sister and brother-in-law.

"Oh no, I have to go now," exclaimed Shumaila, who had to leave for the evening classes she gave to the pupils in her class.

Uzair stroked his head as he saw the adorable expression on his sulking wife's face. He handed his nephew back to Arwais.

Shumaila followed Uzair outside to drop her off at her school. "Shumaila, you're going to be late if you walk soo slowly," he suddenly warned her.

But Shumaila sighed heavily, "I don't want to go, I want to stay with the baby, you don't want to call my school and tell them I'm ill" she asked with her doe eyes.

Uzair approached her, pressing her quickly against the wall.

"If you don't want me to kiss you right now in broad daylight of a hospital like a madman, you'd better hurry up," he said playfully.

Shumaila's eyes widened in horror "You wouldn't dare" she said in shock.

"Are you really doubting my words ? "he asked confidently

Shumaila pushed him away and ran off. The hospital staff saw her flee like a bat out of hell, and Uzair shook his head in amusement.

"My wife is a bit crazy, don't worry," He assured them before joining her.

He watched as Shumaila waited in front of the car and immediately unlocked the vehicle, saw his wife hurry to her seat and Uzair joined her and sat down to start the car. He glanced at his wife, her cheeks puffed out and her arms folded across her chest.

"She looks frustrated," he said to himself.

A few minutes later he parked outside his school and grabbed Shumaila before she left, sulking.

"Stop sulking, you'll end up with wrinkles," he teased her before putting his lips to her cheek.

Shumaila pretended to nod, although Uzaie's gesture brought a smile to her face that she tried to hide until Uzair's car disappeared.


"Shumaila" shouted Uzair coming out of the bathroom.

He liked it when she wiped his hair but there was no trace of her. Putting his towel around his shoulders. He headed for the balcony where he found his wife, deep in thought, watching the night sky.

She was drawn out of her thoughts when her husband's face buried itself in the hollow of her neck, his two-day-old beard irritating her skin.

"Uzair" she breathed plaintively, tapping his arms around her waist.

Uzair's laughter echoed in her ears causing a pleasant sensation in her stomach as his grip around her tightened, she felt comfortable in his arms.

"May I ask what you're thinking about so seriously ? "asked Uzair.

She hesitated for a long moment.

"I was thinking about our children," she said, drawing Uzair's attention.

"Do you want to have children? "he asked surprised.

He also wanted children with Shumaila as much as she did but he thought they'd give themselves a little time before.

"I want them, but not right away, that's what I think, but I see everyone around us having them, and I don't know why, but I feel like I'm wasting my time," she said, talking about her insecurities.

Uzair remained silent, but he was certain that it had something to do with Zumaira's baby shower 3 months ago.

Many of their relatives had advised the couple to have a child early. Uzair didn't take these useless comments seriously, but it seems that Shumaila did.

"Miss Panda, it's not selfish of you not to have a child straight away, we're still learning to blossom in our relationship and that's something other people don't know and don't need to know, don't take other people seriously, it's something that's unique to each couple, the day you sincerely want a child or I do, we'll talk about it, we'll make the decision together for us, and then you'll see a little Uzair or a little Shumaila running around this room" he said with a smile.

She turned back to him " Really ? "she questionedx

Uzair shifted his wife's hair "Really", he promised, sealing his promise with a kiss on her forehead.

"You're a good therapist, Uzair," she said, wrapping her arms around his chest.

The next moment, he lifted her into his arms in bridal mode. Shumaila laughed, banging her head against his. "Miss Panda, let me cheer you up," he said in a double entendre.

"Shameless Man " Shumaila murmured shyly before hiding against his chest.

The next moment, their love echoed through the room. In the space of two years, they had made so much progress in their story, with its ups and downs.

But one thing kept rising, their feelings for each other, not a single day without the other, and they thanked their Rabb for binding them together.


That's it, as I said, it really was a simple little story and yet it wouldn't leave my head until I'd written it.

Thank you for reading and following Shumaila and Uzair's story and for voting. I hope you enjoyed reading it because I enjoyed writing it.

See you soon guys 🥰

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