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After that incident, everyone seemed to walk on eggshells, as if at any moment I would break down. I sighed, knowing damn well this would happen. 

"Y/N, mail." Soap threw an envelope at me.

"That's odd." I looked over it, my body freezing at the handwriting.

"What is it?" Ghost stood over my shoulder.

"Uh, Nothing." I tucked the letter into my pants and dismissed myself to my room.

I sat on my bed, my brother's handwriting, staring menacingly up at me. My hands shook as I opened it.

         Dear Y/N,

I hope this letter finds you well. I heard of your capture and how you so willingly gave up your country. I should have known a weak bitch like yourself would break. I'm writing to inform you you are officially an enemy of Russia and a bounty is out on you.

Good luck, Sorry I won't be attending your funeral. 


I swallowed hard knowing what this meant. I wanted to scream. Weak? Me? I fumbled for my lighter, burning the letter to ash. They didn't need to know.

"You good?" Ghost head popped in.

"Huh? Yeah, It was just spam." I shrugged, shoving my fear deep within me. 

"You sure?" Ghost stared me up and down.

"I'm sure."I brushed past him. He grabbed my arm, stopping me.  

"I don't believe you."

"I'm not fragile. I won't break at a slight inconvenience." I ripped my arm away from him. "Stop treating me as such."

"Men, Y/N! We have another assignment. " Price came from the Conference room.

With that, we prepared for another deployment.

"Are you sure you're good?" Soap asked me for the millionth time.

"Yes! Stop asking!" I threw my pack down on my cot.

"I'm sorry." Soap hung his head.

I unpacked and went out to do gear checks. 

"All good?" Price asked after checks were completed.

"All Good." I sighed. 

"Good work. Tomorrow morning we head out. Stay warm." Price patted my shoulder before walking off.

I stared at the fallen snow, we were home. In Russian territory. I knew I should probably tell them about my brother's letter but at the same time, they don't know it's my brother they are after. I rather keep it that way.

I retreated into the tent for the warmth. Ghost, Soap, and a female soldier I had seen with Ghost stood around the Heaters. 

"Why did they have to station us in the snow?" The female whined.

"Y/N." Ghost nodded to me as I joined them. "Maria, this is Y/N, our informant."

"Nice to meet you." She smiled and part of me wanted to punch her face in for getting any of Ghost's attention. 

"Mhm, wish I could say the same." I huffed and crossed my arms.

"Well, that's rude." She turned to Ghost. "What a bitch." 

"It's odd to talk about yourself in third person." I shot back.

"Excuse me?!" 

Soap was trying to hold back laughter.

"Go be a whore elsewhere." I waved her away.

"I'm not a whore! Who do you think you are?" She turned to Ghost, looking for him to defend her. He just shrugged. She scoffed before leaving.

Soap burst into laughter.

"Bad Mutt." Ghost scolded me.

"Keep your whores out of my tent, they stink." I plugged my nose. 

"Oh knock it off." Ghost tensed. "Speaking of whores here comes yours." 

"Howdy." Colton entered the tent, dragging his Cot. "Looks like I've been assigned to share with you all."

Ghost rolled his eyes and Soap broke into laughter again. I shot him a weird look. 

"This is too much." Soap put his hands up as he exited the tent sending another burst of cold air.

"Jesus." I shivered huddling closer to the heaters.

"Out of all the places to go, we go straight to the source." Colton joined us, standing close to me. 

"It's just recon, but who knows what will go down." Ghost kept his eyes on us.

"Yeah, but damn is it cold." Colton tried warming his hands.

"If you huddle like penguins it makes you warmer." I waddled into Colton. "Warm me."

I watched as Ghost's jaw clenched. Colton wrapped his arms around me, I rested my head on his chest.  "Better."

"Much." Colton rested his head on mine.

"Move over." Ghost shoved his way between us, causing me to fall into him. "Careful." 

"Don't tell me to be careful when you're the one that did it." I snuggled into Ghost for warmth, Ignoring the creeping feelings in my chest.  Colton huffed and went back to warming himself with the heaters.

"Last time I checked penguins don't talk." Ghost arms around me felt comforting as well as warm. 

"Last time I checked no one asked you." I pulled my coat up more. "Ghost?"

"Hm?" I figured I needed to tell someone just in case I died this time around.

"The Russians have a bounty out for me." I swallowed hard, the cold was hurting my throat.

"What do you mean?" Ghost tensed.

"When I became your informant, I became an enemy of Russia. My brother sent out bounties on me. I'm officially wanted in Russia." I allowed myself to go on. "So if anything happens and I get caught...Shoot me." 

"What?!" Colton turned his attention back to us. 

"You heard me." I looked between the two men. "If Russia gets their hands on me, shoot me. A fate in their hands will be worse than death."

Ghost went quiet as he stood there holding me to keep warm.

"No one is shooting anyone!" Colton pulled me away from Ghost. 

"Ghost, Please." I pleaded with him.

"Okay." He finally answered. 

"Thank you."

"Seriously, You can not be serious. Ghost what the hell?" Colton shook me, causing me to punch him in the stomach. "Fuck!" 

"Oh shit." Ghost pulled me away from Colton.

"Sorry, reflex." I rubbed my knuckles. "But yes, in all seriousness, do not let my brother or his men get ahold of me."

"Understood." Ghost turned and made his way out of the tent, the cold air whipping around me. 

I wonder if he will really keep his word.

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