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A month in captivity began wearing at me. I spent most of my time in the dark and alone, it was enough to drive anyone mad. I slowly began giving up information in hopes of some freedom.

"Get up." I sighed as Ghost yanked me to my feet.

"Easy big guy." Ghost restrained my hands behind my back.

"Lucky you, you get to go outside." I almost jumped for joy at those words.

"Really?" I couldn't contain my excitement.

"Against my will Price is making me take you out to reward you for the information you gave us. It turns out it was correct."

I scoffed. "Uh duh."

Ghost lead my from my cell and into the courtyard, he took off my restraints.

"Run and there's about five gunmen who will gun you down." Ghost crossed his arms.

I didn't care, I was outside. I took a deep breath in and let the sun beam on my face. I found myself laying down in the grass getting weird looks as soliders passed by.

"If you continue to cooperate, we may be able to continue letting you have some freedoms." Ghost's eyes soften just for a moment, but it was so quick I could have been imagining it.

"It's not like I can go home now." I sighed, running my hands through the grass. "I'm now an enemy of theirs. So might as well keep working for you."

"I see you're enjoying the sun." Price walked out to check on how things were going.

"Very much. Thank you." I wanted to beg him not to send me back to the cell, I knew it would be pointless but still.

"No, thank you. Your info was spot on."

"I have no reason to work against you anymore." I stood and brushed the dirt from my clothes.

"I see." Price looked to be deep in thought. "I have a proposition for you."

Ghost raised his brow and my ears perked up. "What is it?"

"If you agree to work with us as asset, we will allow you to roam freely with a 24/7 guardian." Price held out his hand. "How does that sound?"

I didn't hesitate to shake his hand. ""So no more cell?"

"No more cell, we'll set you up a room in our quarters. Ghost will be your guardian for now." Price looked at Ghost daring him to disagree.

"Understood sir." Ghost began to glare at me.

I could careless, I was just excited to finally be free.

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