🦋𝑆𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐾𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑑𝑜𝑚🦋

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As the Grand Duke entered the messenger's chambers he informed them all that this was of the utmost importance, "Good day men, whether you all have heard or not regarding the mysterious maiden's fractured slipper as it has been found on the road in the near distance not too far from here, our king will not rest until he finds her again, so His Majesty as urged us to spread his message to the kingdom urgently..." he said as he walked through the doors, and he instructed them that every household in the entire kingdom was to receive a letter of the situation as the maiden could be just about anywhere, and the greater the distance covered the very better. "A proclamation is to be pasted in the town and as well to be sent to each house..." As he ended off he cleared his throat and instructed every man in the room to start straight away as these notices needed to be done within the next two hours, preferably may they be complete right at the brink of noon and should they be delivered within under an hour after that. "Yes, Your Grace we shall not spare any efforts otherwise..." one of them said with all seriousness in his voice, "Very well then, I'll see you to it." Grand Duke said before leaving the room. They all began planning and gathering all the ink, paper, envelopes, wax and seals they could find in the room's immense stationery, one question that they all asked themselves was how should they start. Nonetheless, they all had come to a mutual agreement on what they would write and so they had written a total of over two hundred and fifty letters, however, this did not mean there were possibly two hundred and fifty candidates as some households had over four women or they had just had two for the least but regardless every single house in the land was accountable for, all married women were excluded as they were not required to a fitting which left the fittings to the maidens without a significant other and so forth. Soon all the letters were completed, and they had been stacked up on a table and handed over to the unit who was to seal them in envelopes with wax in the king's colours of royal blue and gold. After just ten of them had been prepared it became a sequence of muscle memory for the coalition of twelve people. In just over forty minutes everything had been ready for distribution, the letters were placed onto the spruce and birch tray tables with four metal wheels to be ferried to the transportation waiting upon them outside.

The first initial destination was the town as they knew many people would gather there every day as per their routine. They got in one of the three buggies which would be used for this endeavour, one was sent to the townlet, one to one half of the kingdom and the other to the remaining half of it. As soon as the buggy arrived by the town's notice board two men got out and neared it, many of the others around them noticed this, so they watched and waited for them to conclude their business so that they might see what they were to adhere to. In exactly just two minutes they were done and greeted the people, stepped in their vehicle and made their way back to the palace to prepare. As soon as they did so everyone gathered around the statement and it read as follows from the top centre in a bold red Gothic font "By the King a Proclamation..." and right below it was what required the utmost attention, "All loyal subjects of his Imperial Majesty are hereby notified by royal proclamation that in regard to a certain glass slipper, it is upon this day decreed that a quest be instituted throughout the length and breadth of our domain. The sole and express purpose of said quest is as follows to wit: That every single maiden in our beloved kingdom shall try upon her foot this aforementioned slipper of glass, and should one be found whose foot shall properly fit said slipper, such maiden will be acclaimed the objective of this search and the one and only true love of his Royal Highness, our noble King, and said Royal Highness will humbly request the hand of said maiden in marriage to rule with him over all the land as Royal Princess and future Queen. The first, fitting will begin at precisely two o'clock in this afternoon, we request that all those able present themselves." As soon as the townspeople read this they exulted with tremendous excitement, laughter and happiness. It's no surprise that many of them were too joyful so that they may try their luck to fit such a shoe and be presented in a hand of marriage to their King. The letter also contained the royal family crest and right at the bottom right corner, there was a blue wax seal once again, they all hurried off to spread the news to their families and to prepare for the fittings and onwards. Simultaneously the other carriages had still been delivering the envelopes to families but in time they had concluded this step in the process and all that was left for the king's court to do was to wait for others to present themselves at the palace to mark the first place of search before proceeding to travel to the town and houses.

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