Chapter Thirty Four

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~Somi's POV~

Two weeks after the initial test with the home kit, we went to the hospital for a proper test. The result still came back positive, so we shared the news with the girls, Homa and Amira. They've been showering me with love and attention ever since. Sarima, on the other hand, is playing hard to get, but I know deep down she's just excited to be the most enthusiastic aunt later on.

Lola had recently given birth to twin boys in Atlanta, and Adams and I were currently at their place with her cause she came back to Nigeria the previous day. Her mother was napping on an empty bed across from us in the nursery.

I and Adams were cooing over one of the tiny babies in my arms as he wrapped the whole of his hand on one of Adams' fingers.

"I'm so glad these boys took Lola's nose. Little wins" Adams commented, looking up at his friend who was bent over the second baby's crib.

Everyone laughed, and PK jokingly placed his hand over his chest, feigning hurt. "So everybody has beef with my nose now abi?"

I looked at PK's wide nose after Adams' roast and laughed some more.

"Adams, you better stop bullying my husband, or else you'll have to leave," Lola warned after having her own share of laughter.

Adams raised his free hand in surrender, sporting a smile.

"When I told you that I used to get ambushed by this man and Williams you thought I was bluffing." PK complained to his wife. "What was it they used to call me back then..."

"The Avatar," Adams helped him out, chuckling.

PK further explained to me and Lola's confused face, using hand gestures to draw the arrow typically seen on Avatar Aang's forehead and tapping his nose, causing Lola and me to burst into another round of laughter.

These men are so creative with their bants, how did they even come up with that?

"Shhh," Adams pointed at Lola's mom who was turning in her sleep from our noise and we both covered our mouth, snickering into our palms.

"And I thought you were on my side." PK said to Lola wearing a mock disappointed look.

"Come here joor" She opened her arms as he went over to her, leaning in for an embrace.

"In a few months, we'll see what you're capable of making. You're lucky because Somi might help your life." PK said to Adams.

"C'mon, stop being a hater now. Haven't you seen me?" Adams responded to the banter with a proud smile.


He looked at my face, seeing me smiling adoringly at him. There was a mischievous gleam in his eyes as he stroked my jaw while maintaining a smile.

We left their house after spending some time and stopped at the Atlantic Centre to buy groceries before heading to Adams' penthouse. Once I closed the door behind me, he immediately dropped the bags to the floor.

"Let's Netflix and chill upstairs," he suggested, not waiting for my response. He effortlessly lifted me over his shoulder as we ascended the stairs.

"Which one is Netflix and Chill." I screamed and pleaded amidst laughter, claiming that I was going to fall and die. He headed straight into his bedroom.


This week, Adams made Wale my personal chauffeur. He said he'd be driving himself mostly now. Adams made me promise not to stress myself and I'm not even sure what that one meant because sitting down at home and eating is definitely not what he thinks I'll be doing at barely 6 weeks pregnant.

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