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A deep sigh left your mouth while looking at him. He just let out a chuckles while sipping from his cup.

"You know what Yn. You're literally confusing me right now. You said you wanted him back right and now that he's back you wanted his to disappear?" Yoongi just shook his head while you continue to stare at him.

"That's was before. Before when I still don't know that Jungkook is Jk and not Gguk okay?!." You stood up from your seat before Yoongi hold on to you and pulled you back to your chair. Groaning and glance at him before raising one of your eye brows.

"What?!" You shouted at him leaving him smiling like an idiot while watching you getting annoyed by him.

"You made a contact with Gguk remember? You're still under him not just his bed warmer but also as one of his str'pper."

"Connection most paid one" you cut him off while rolling your eyes.

"Well yeah most paid one. So what now? You have to choose, is it Jungkook or Jungguk?." Yoongi asked.

Then it got you thinking. All those years all you did was to chase Jungguk and you literally surrendered yourself to him but after meeting Jungkook you felt how to be loved and be cared by someone and that is something that Gguk never made you feel. To Gguk you're nothing but his bed warmer that's it just his bed warmer.

You turn your head to Yoongi and smile softly. "Tell me Yoongi, do I really have to choose when we both know who's the one that treated me better?."

You just smiled at him before standing up from your seat and walk away leaving Yoongi shaking his head. "Sh't we also both know that once Gguk wanted something he won't stop until he gets it."

Jungkook was pushed on the wall. He chuckles while wiping the blood from his lips. The guy with eyebrow piercing laughed out loud after getting beat up by his own twin brother.

"Is that all what you can do? Come on bring it onnnnn!! I stoled your girl right? Come on bring it all out!!" He shouted while laughing.

As Jungkook was about to stand up he received another hard kick on us stomach. Gguk's eyes darken, he couldn't accept the fact that his own twin brother literally betrayed him. He didn't only stool Alice from him but also Yn. But it's also his fault right? He just let him have Yn and even literally gave him permission so what's making him be so mad at his brother?.

Gguk pick up Jungkook by holding his collar. "Speak. What's your relationship with Alice and with his brother? Did he really ruined your career or what!? Tell me!! Why did you send me there?!".

He's burning in anger and got more mad when Jungkook laughed at him before he spill his saliva on Jungguk face. The other man slowly while his face and begin to punch his brother again and again when the door suddenly shut open as you came between them.

"Gguk stop the the heck!! I said let go!!" You pushed him as hard as you and can making him seat on the couch. He nervously laughed. He watch you being all concerned to Jungkook. You're on your knees asking him if he's okay and totally lost your focus on Jungguk.

Standing up from the ground and walk towards him. Pulling his by his collar and glance at him. "What the heck is wrong with you huh?! Why do you have to used v'olence to everyone mostly to your own brother!!"

"You know nothing Yn so better stay back." He stared at you before removing your hand from his collar. He stood up from the couch and purposely hit you with his shoulder.

You struggle while laughing under your breath before pulling him and face him. "I know something. I know you. I know you do well and I know why you're hurting him. It's because you're jealous. Jealous cause He's better than you in every ways."

Jungguk raised his hand wanting to shut you up. He's so annoyed that you're taking his brother side, he's so annoyed that you just got to know Jungkook now and you trust him more than him. He's so annoyed that you're leave him behind.

"What are you going to slap me?! Go on I'm already numb and used of getting hurted by you not only physical but emotional so go on. I'm used to it."

You both watch each other's eyes before he punch the wall behind him and left after shuting the door. You wipe your tears away and immediately run to Jungkook who's badly injured.

"I told you I can do it myself." Jungkook chuckles after seeing you glancing at him. He raised his both hands as you helped him get dressed. After he's done you're about to walk away from him but he immediately grabbed you by your waist and made you sit on his lap.

Digging his face on the crock of your neck before kissing it softly. "Are you still gonna work under him? I can't stop thinking about what possible things could happen if you will stay under his control. I don't know what to think love."

You turn around and cap his face. You gave him soft smile before rubbing your nose to his. "I can't do anything. I made a contract with him and if I didn't follow what says in the contract then I might end up in jail. Don't worry love as soon as the contract of me being his worker then we can be together freely. Just you and me."

You k'ss him before pulling yourself up but he quickly pulled you back and started k'ssing you again but this time it's includes his t'ngue while his hand slide inside your cl'the.

Before things go father you pushed yourself away from him and laughed. Connecting your forehead together before you close your eyes and say "I love you so much Jungkook" you hear him giggling before he connected your lips and gave you a peck "likewise love. I do too." You immediately smiled and pulled yourself away from the bed, you messed his hair with your fingers.

"Okay okay. I have to go now I'll come back as soon as I can, call oppa if you need anything okay. I love you." You wave at him before walking away.

A heavy sigh left him while watching you walking away. He rolled his eyes before poking his inner cheek after a few minutes his phone started ringing and he pick it up.

"Babe where are you now? Aren't you comeback soon?." Alice said

"I will don't worry I'll be back soon but relax for now I'm just finishing something."

Jungkook quickly end up the call before looking around your room. He saw the picture fame on the night stand and he pick it up. Staring at you before licking his lips and smirk.

Nobody knows what's going on inside his mind but one thing for sure. It isn't as nice as it seems like.

Bed Warmer | J.JK [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now