Ways of Living

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Theirs so many different ways of freedom, expression, pain and life in this world.. I think a big realization and maybe even one of the scariest ones would be that life isn't all so simple.

Like.. you don't have to work a 9 to 5 or any regular job, you don't have to go to school, or you could go to school, you could be content with your 9 to 5, you could travel the world with nothing but a dime. It's all about your perspective.. what you aim for and what do you think is worth it.

So many opportunities.

The only thing I know is,
I'd like to be free.

Free from the repetitive constraints and generational pains of family, free from hurt feelings and nostalgic memory breaking me instead of comforting me.

Free from others who seek out to use me.

Free from the parts of me that are holding me down and trying to keep me from growing.

I want to be able to wake up and say today I'm going to do a new thing and it may change tomorrow evening but right now, in this moment I'm going to allow myself a well deserved beginning.

I don't want to be up through the midnight hours thinking and crying because of my mentality being so clouded.

and I don't want the temptation to indulge in toxins that'll leave me faded but still pained when my senses come back.


Theirs so much more to life than money to me... multiple streams of happiness instead of income is ok with me.

I could thrive with just one penny.

Soon finding a way to turn it into ten without having to sell my soul and give in to the governments idea of suppressing black men and women, keeping us at a lower rank and not allowing me to be as financially free as he and she.

This is the kind of poetry that inspires me.

These are the stories that keep life.. within me.

Knowing there is a chance that I can do something great without feeling as if I'm making a mistake.

Theirs so many different ways to live.

and the best advice I could give, is to choose a way that in the end....

You can look back and wish to do it all over again.

Dear God,
Please guide me to the ways of smiling, giving and living that you wish for me..


- LaDonna

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