Chapter 16

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[3rd POV]

The squad arrived at the location and the five of them quickly put on their diving suits. Kaito already prepared his Katana, Yamato, and Himeko with her red greatsword that she put on her back.

"Major, a large cave has been detected below and looks like it contains a high spike of Honkai energy," Fu Hua said.

"Alright, everyone. It is time for us to dive down there and explore," Himeko said.

Kiana noticed Kaito who was holding his chin and it seemed like he's thinking about something.

"What's wrong Kaito ?" Kiana asked the boy.

"Hmm... It's really odd for a Mangaka to know such a place like this. Like, where did he even get the information about this place ?" Kaito said with suspicion.

"Well... My theory is that he must've paid some dudes with his money, from making manga, for this kind of stuff since he owns a Yacht like this. So, there's no doubt that he actually does that kind of thing," Kiana theorized.

Kaito lowered his hand from his chin.

"That also can prove to be true, or maybe he accidentally stumbled upon a lost scroll or something else ?" Kaito assumed.

Then, they heard something fall. They looked at the source and it turns out to be Nintou who went unconscious and just from that alone, Kaito already knew the culprit that made the Mangaka go unconscious.

"I see... So this is your plan all along," Kaito said, looking at the unconscious Nintou.

"He is such a stubborn guy, so I have no choice but to do this to make him not come with us. And besides, it's also dangerous for him because of the high spike of Honkai energy that Fu Hua mentioned before," Himeko explained while wiping her hands.

The squad wore their diving helmets and went down below the water before swimming down vertically. They then looked around, searching for the cave.

"Where's the cave ? All I can see are just beautiful corals and fishes," Kiana said.

"The readings said that the cave is still deeper than this point," Fu Hua said.

"Then, let's make haste. We can follow the Honkai Energy trace," Himeko said, swimming forward.

But all of sudden, a danger sign appeared on their helmet.

"Beneath us!!" Kaito shouted.

Five of them looked down and saw a shadow with glowing eyes, slowly swimming up towards them.

"Are those...." Kiana was stunned to speak.

"Yes! Honkai Beasts, and there appears to be a horde of them," Kaito said.

The Honkai beasts resemble a shark with glowing lines and razored eyes.

"Let's get out of here! Everyone, activate your Propulsion Jets!!" Himeko shouted and they did what she said.

The squad blasted off away from the hordes but the Horde of Honkai Beasts still chased after them.

"Crap! At this rate they're going to catch up to us!" Kiana panicked.

The wreckage of a submarine caught Himeko's eyes and she spent no time telling others.

"Over there! Follow me!" She said and the rest followed her to the Submarine wreckage.

"Hey, Himeko, where are we going ?" Kiana asked.

"There's a Submarine wreckage," Himeko said.

"Submarine wreckage ? You wanted to use it as a hiding place from these honkai beasts?" Kaito asked.

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