Chapter 8

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[Mei's POV]

After that incident I quickly apologized to Kaito and Alan and dragged Kiana-chan along to apologize too. At first, Kaito was going to lecture us but Alan prevented it by saying that we are "even", knowing what it means my face heated up again and we decided to never discuss that incident again.

Right now we are currently finding a place to stay because the sun is setting and it's getting dark.

"Hey, I think I found a place to spend the night," Alan pointed at an empty apartment.

"Finally, sleep time," Kiana stretched her arms.

"The Bronya will guard you all," Bronya said.

"This time let me do that, Bronya, you can take a rest," Kaito said.

"But Kaito-Nii... Kaito-Nii has been slaying Zombies and Honkais before, so Kaito-Nii needs a rest."

I see Kaito smile and pat Bronya's head.

"I know you're worried about me but I'll be fine, Bronya, so, go take a rest." He continued.

"Da," Bronya nodded.

"Welp, thank you for volunteering to guard the night, that means I can sleep early today." Alan yawned and went inside without hesitation, making Kaito annoyed.

"*Sigh* That guy..." He sighed and I approached him.

"It's alright Kaito, I will accompany you" I said.

"You don't have to do that, Mei," he said.

"It's okay Kaito. Besides... You'll be lonely if you guard us when we were sleeping," I said the last part with a low tone

"You said something ?" Kaito asked me

"Nothing!" I said feeling my cheeks heated up a bit and headed in while Kiana-chan followed me.

The place is quite nice although there's some furniture and walls that were broken due to the explosion earlier.

"The couch is still fine and so is the bed," Alan said.

"And the water is still running," Kiana-chan said as she turned on the faucet.

"Great, well rest up everyone because we still have a long way out from here." Alan said as he put down his sword on the floor and sat down leaning against the wall.

"Finally, something soft to lay down!!" Kiana said as she lay down on the couch.

"Subject Idiotka, that couch supposed to be for Mei-Nee sama and you but Subject Idiotka just claimed it for yourself." Bronya said to Kiana-chan.

"I don't care about that, Bronya... After a good Hot Spring bath, I just wanna lay down on something soft," She said while nuzzling at the couch

"It's okay, Bronya, I don't mind sleeping on the floor," I said, assuring Bronya.

"The Bronya disagree, Shall Bronya force Subject Idiotka to move so that Mei-Nee sama can sleep there too ?" Bronya asked me with a somehow annoyed tone.

"No, Bronya, I said before I'm fine on the floor," I stated.

"If Mei Nee-sama said so, then The Bronya understood." Bronya said as she sat down on the floor near the couch that was being used by Kiana.

I averted my gaze to Kaito who was standing up and looking outside the Window, the setting sunlight hitting its face making him look.... Charming... Ah no... Why did I think of that... I felt my face heating up again...

Lately after that incident at Chiba, sometimes I thought about Kaito but why do I always think about him. I shrugged my head and decided to sleep for a moment to ease my mind of course and hopefully it'll just be a short sleep.

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